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travlers medical insurance

My family is traveling to Italy, Austria, Germany and Poland in June. I have insurance to cover my flights and med evac is on that. Our health insurance will cover us BUT we would have to pay there and be reimbursed back in the states. Should I pay for additional medical insurance to have coverage in Europe? it is a little over $100 per person/

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3428 posts

With med evac covered, I'd just take an emergency credit card and plan on getting reimbursed if it is needed.

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931 posts

Lorri have you gone to and Insure My Trip and got quotes for insurance? Lots to pick and compare, with some very good rates!

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4412 posts

If you'll be reimbursed...why would you pay $100 for the off-chance you'll need medical attention? If you use credit cards, then put the medical charges on that while waiting to be reimbursed; the interest charges won't add up to $100. IF you anticipate making several trips to doctors or labs (scheduled bloodwork, or a condition that must be watched closely), AND you don't have a credit card or other means of paying...then perhaps it's worth it to you to pay $100 for coverage. FWIW, many times you won't pay a cent, or very little, for a minor doctor visit - even for meds. I give this plan a big NO.

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1010 posts

My husband and I have bought American Express Medical Insurance and have been very happy with it. We bought it for Europe twice, Canada, Australia and will buy it this summer for Europe again. It is very reasonable. Their phone number is (800) 437-9209 Elaine

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524 posts

Lori You also need to check with the Travel Insurance company to see if they also require your US medical to be the first one used. What is important about Travel Insurance is the Insurance Company will make all of your medical arrangements for you including the best hospital with at least some English speaking staff, ditto Dr. And arrange with the hospital for payment (which may be difficult to do on your own) and make sure you get treatment right away, etc. And transportation to the best place for your treatment. Also check your medical evac to see if it covers getting back to the US, or is it just to the nearest appropriate place for treatment. It is just regular insurance, you have to read the fine print. If it is too confusing, call the insurance company and get them to explain it to you. Bobbie

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810 posts

I would agree with Elaine. We have bought American Express insurance in the past. I think it was very reasonable ($18 per month for me and my wife, if I remember correctly) and included a lot of things beyond medical care. I can't say how good it really is because we did not need to use it but check out their web site.

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32324 posts

Lori, I'd suggest checking the coverage provided by your health insurance plan very carefully, so that you're fully aware of all the "terms & conditions". For example, does it cover all contingencies (catastrophic illness or severe injury), is there a limit on what they'll cover. If one of you did have a severe health problem and the bill was many thousands of dollars, would you have room on your credit card to pay the bill? I always buy travel medical insurance before going anywhere, as the financial consequences of not having it could be severe! That includes medical expenses that might be incurred even when travelling in other parts of Canada (when travelling "out of province", not all medical expenses are covered - I can elaborate on that if you're interested). At the moment, I'm using an annual policy so I don't have to take out a separate policy for each trip. Happy travels!

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49 posts

I have checked with american express, but from what I read you have to be a cardholder??

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524 posts

Forgot to say that you must check to see if your insuance covers you outside the US. And see if you can get the person to email you the specific portions of your policy that cover it. And get the name of the person and the date you called. Also, VERY important, Medicare does not cover you outside of the US ! Anyone on Medicare MUST purchase medical insurance to protect from the possibility of illness or accident ! Also most travel insurance will cover you for PRE EXISTING Conditions IF you purchase the policy within a certain length of time. Usually within 2 - 3 weeks of putting down an initial payment on your trip. BUT read the fine print. Bobbie