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Travelling to Europe

Is travelling to Europe for two females aged 30 - 35 in July for the first time a good idea? Countries to be visited are Spain, Italy, France, UK and Greece.

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32322 posts

Sony, It would help if you could provide a bit of further information. I'm not clear on why it wouldn't be a good idea? From one aspect, that's not the most favourable time to travel in Europe, as it will be HOT and crowded. Although I haven't checked the dates, I believe the Olympics will be taking place in London, so it's going to be really crowded there, with Hotels at a premium price! Is there any possibility of changing your travel dates?

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23548 posts

Why not??? What concerns you ?? Maybe questionable for 14 years or 94 years but in between should be OK. I always think it is a good idea to go for the first time. That way you can then go a second, or third, or fourth time.

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976 posts

Any of those would be great, sounds wonderful, it is a GREAT idea! I think it would be easier to start where you understand the language, but that's how I did it, traveling alone, 2 weekends and a week in London with day trips. Same with Rome, my second trip abroad by myself. With two of you, you'll have more fun.
I am assuming you will be planning this trip by yourselves and are used to traveling together? You can do it most easily if you read guidebooks- seriously- it's much easier than inventing the wheel. Very useful info about what to expect and how to get there and where to stay.

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513 posts

My only potential concern is about the geographic distance between these countries - UK to Greece. How long will the trip be? How are you travelling within Europe?

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1806 posts

If you are trying to squeeze 5 far flung countries into a really short time frame of say like 10-14 days (you don't mention how long trip is going to be), which is a common mistake many new visitors to Europe make, then no, I would not recommend it. Calculate distances between your overnight stops, figure out the best way to get there (bus, train, car, plane, ferry) and factor in the time lost in transit when you check out of one hotel and have to move to another in a different city or country. Anytime you move to another overnight location you will tend to lose anywhere from a half day to a full day in transit, so you lose time to sightsee. If you try to cram in too many different locations in a really short trip, all you really end up seeing is the inside of a lot of bus/train stations, airport terminals, etc.

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9369 posts

Five countries, five languages, no international travel experience.... Travel in Europe isn't like going from area to area at EPCOT. There are a lot of pitfalls that might need to be overcome along the way, and you need to really think about what kinds of problems you could have with your proposed plan. For a first trip it would be wiser to limit your plan to one or two areas (depending on how long your trip will be, and your budget). Get some experience before throwing yourselves in at the deep end.
"Europe Through the Back Door" should be a must-read for you both. It's a great introduction to the basic travel skills you will need to get along. Give us an idea of your budget and how long you intend to travel and we can help with narrowing down your focus.

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100 posts

If you are thinking in terms of your personal safety in Europe as women without guys along or something like that let me just tell you that those thoughts are not confined just to women....I'm pretty embarrassed now as to what I was freaking myself out over before my first trip to Europe with my wife and 25 year old son. You see and read online about crimes of all sorts against tourists in Europe and I think 99% of the time it comes down to common sense and what you would or would not do right there at your own home. The other replys here to your post are also very valid and come from smart experienced people. Everyone remembers their first trip....prepare to become addicted :) Happy Trails

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360 posts

how long do you plan to travel? 5 countries is a lot to do and those are rather far apart.

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33469 posts

July in: Spain, very hot, take a minimum of a week for minimum highlights Italy, very hot, crowded, how long have you got, 4 days Rome, 3 days Florence, 3 days Venice, 3 days hill towns, 3 days coast for the absolute minimum France, from quite warm to hot, parts crowded, parts less so, need at least 4 days to a week in Paris, many areas in a place as big as Texas, 7 to 10 days minimum UK, not so hot although July tends to be the hottest month, 4 varied nations, need 4 days minimum in London alone and could spend weeks in the rest
Greece, exceedingly hot. I haven't been to Greece so don't know times. At least 4 days I would say. So, have you got 6 weeks?