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Travelling around europe for over a year

Hi guys,
I am just looking for some information on what i need to know/do and if my plans are possible.
i live in australia and my girlfriend I want to buy a car/van in the UK and then travel down the west coast of france portugal spain for a few months before maybe heading up to italy to work for a while then decide from there what to do next.
Just wondering what kind of visa would best suit my plans, any information on buying cars in Uk and anything else anyone has to offer.
Any Information will be greatly appreciated.

Posted by
11613 posts

Before you plan further, look at the Schengen rules, and individual country laws, for traveling/working in Europe.

Posted by
23650 posts

Two issues - one is the visa or work permit but it may be easier for you as a commonwealth citizen than others. Few here can address that question because it is mostly US citizens here plus a few Canadians. Two - purchasing a car and insurance without a permanent address could be a problem.

Posted by
2297 posts

You said you live in Australia - are you an Australian citizen? Are you under 31? You may be eligible for a working holiday visa in the UK. That can be a great entry point for longer term travel in Europe. You would only be allowed to work in the UK but you should be able to travel outside the UK as well with this kind of visa.

Posted by
34163 posts

And then there's the problem of doing most of your driving in Europe with the steering wheel on the wrong side if you buy the car in the UK.

Posted by
121 posts

First of all, if you are a U.S citizen, contact the U.S. State Department for advice on visas, work permits, extended stays, vehicle purchases, etc. If you are not a U.S. citizen, contact the relevant agency in your government (usually the same agency that issues the passports) and ask your questions. Second, since you mention working in Italy, contact the Italian consulate in Australia to determine what would be required to work in Italy. If you are eligible to work in Italy, I would imagine consulate staff could help you get the correct paperwork completed. You may also want to talk to the UK consulate on any laws/requirements to buying a car in the UK and determine what paperwork is needed, registration or licensing fees, etc. Finally, make sure you know how long it will take to process the paperwork, and how long the visas/work permits are valid for---you don't want to be less than a week away from departure and still waiting on a work permit. Likewise, you don't want to be caught working a week after your work permit/visa expires. Also make sure that you know any relevant laws on paying income taxes, car purchase taxes, licensing the car, etc.

Posted by
8293 posts

I may be wrong, but why would the US State Department be the place to go for the last word on European rules & regulations regarding visas, work permits, car purchases, etc? How could they be expert on these things?

Posted by
23650 posts

Norma is correct. You need to contact the countries embassies (or consulates) for correct information. Contacting our state department is wasting time. Their could be correct and could be very incorrect. It is fatal to rely on incorrect info in these matters.

Posted by
9110 posts

State is the absolute worstest place to get information.