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Travelling Alone in Europe

What country/countries are the safest/best to travel to alone?



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3551 posts

Check the graffitti wall for "solo travelers" & "women travelers" good advice there. I recommend UK in general , Ireland & Germany.

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5678 posts

I've traveled solo recently in Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Holland, England and Scotland. Safety was not an issue in any of these places and I really think that if you travel smartly you can travel solo in any country in Europe. I've had the most fun traveling solo in Scotland. I think it's because the Scots are very friendly and there are no language issues. When I've traveled in France, Belgium and Germany I've met friendly people, but they've tended to be other tourists. I speak some French and some German, but particularly in France it's not been enough for me to meet local people. If you sit by yourself at the bar in a Scottish Pub locals will chat with you. If you sit by yourself in French cafe, you'd better have some reading material. ; ) So, that just means you have to find other ways to meet people when you're traveling alone in France. Pam

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9436 posts

I've met lots of friendly Parisians in cafes in Paris over many trips there. And in many other places in Paris...buses, watching the Tour, standing in line at the P.O., restaurants, Luxembourg Gardens...lots of wonderful friendly Parisians in lots of places.

Posted by
4412 posts

Pat, If you're talking about Western Europe then I'd say it's like asking where it the USA is safest - I wouldn't necessarily rule anyplace in the USA out, but I might warn someone to avoid certain AREAS of each city or town.

If I'm a single female traveler, I'm not going to be prancing around in a bikini in southern Italy...;-)

Doing the typical touristy things most places in Europe is much safer than doing the same things here, IMHO.

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211 posts

Two years ago when I was 21, I visited Krakow, Milan, Edinburgh, London, Dublin, Salzburg, Munich and Paris by myself. All were great (well maybe not Milan and safe. You will have a great time anywhere you go!

Posted by
1994 posts

If you've not traveled alone before, it would be easiest to start with someplace where you speak the language--it makes hotels and restaurants easier while you're getting the hang of managing it all yourself. I've really enjoyed Ireland on my own. I've also traveled happily/safely alone in England, Scotland, Spain, France, Italy, the Netherlands, and Egypt. The only time I found myself longing for a traveling companion was on a Jan/Feb trip to Rome, when it got dark very early and the area in which I was staying was pretty isolated (and therefore I had to be in early). I'd suggest you consider staying in B&Bs or smaller hotels with a staff that is attentive (identified in Rick's guide books)--the staff at such places are great in pointing out areas that could be dangerous (in fact, in my experience they tend to be overly cautious, which isn't a bad thing)

Posted by
2426 posts

I agree with previous posting/try country where you know language/UK/Ireland/I did it and had no problems/traveled tube in London/had car in Ireland/just like any place/just be aware of your surroundings as you would in any place. Relax and enjoy/found the locals very friendly and helpful.

Posted by
7613 posts

Over the past 15 years, I've made solo trips to England, Wales, France, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Greece and Turkey. I've never felt unsafe or threatened, and neither should you as long as you use common sense.

As one poster pointed out, there are always going to be certain areas in a city that it's best to stay away from, but other than that, if you do your research, you can travel to just about anywhere!

Posted by
171 posts

I agree with Sherry about a solo woman traveler staying in B+Bs. I always travel solo for whatever reasons, and love them. It's like staying with friends or family. I always let my hosts know where I'm going or what I'm doing that day, because they're interested and can offer suggestions. I feel safer in what is essentially a private home. I travel mostly to Germany and Austria (because I love it so much!!) and feel safe everywhere because things seem well-organised and everything works as it should. I speak fairly good German by now and that helps me feel less like an outsider, so I'm less anxious about asking questions and getting around, so perhaps that gives me a sense of safety. There were moments in Vienna when I felt less safe, in a dark neighborhood late iin the evening on my way back from dinner, but that can be said for any city in the world.

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11507 posts

I haven't done alot of places solo,, just London and Paris,, and personally I liked Paris solo best as one never feels odd there sitting alone at a cafe,, whereas in London I sometimes felt odd alone in pubs( cheap meals)
I have done a few more places alone with a child, and frankly felt safe in all of them , Italy, Switzerland, Germany etc.

I love my solo trips and thoroughly recommend them.