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Traveling with my 3.5 lb dog.

I’ve got 14 days total for travel (including the flying in & out). We have decided on Germany, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Austria. We will fly into Berlin and spend 2 days there. And then we are going to Praha by train. I was thinking 4~5 days in Praha and Cesky Krumlov. Also, we plan on taking the train from Praha into Budapest. After 4 days there, we’re going to move to Vienna, then finally we will return to the USA. I am wondering about traveling with my 3.5lb yorkie because I couldn’t find a good nanny. This trip is for relaxation so we decided to take him. I already know what document I need for traveling with a pet. My dog is almost prepared with microchip and the rabies vaccination. My vet also filled out the EU Health Certification. Also, I am going to get endorsed by the USDA APHIS before leaving. I am wondering about required documents for returning to USA. Do I need a new health certification in Vienna for flying and returning to USA?

Thank you for your advice.
I'm going to replan.

Posted by
2466 posts

Since your vet is familiar with the EU Health regulations, perhaps you should ask there first. It's probable that he could direct you to the proper government websites which would apply to you.

You obviously know your dog, but if you have not travelled much with him, you might want to re-think this. If you've never been on a long-haul flight with him, as well as moving around every few days to a different location, you need to be aware of the amount of stress you'll be putting on his system in this short period of time.

I have brought a slightly larger dog from the US to France, and I would never do it again. Even though your dog will be in the cabin with you, you have to think about how you will administer food and water and how he will be able to relieve himself - if he is given a sedative (which is not advised), it's probable he still won't sleep through the flight. He must stay in his carrier under your seat at all times - if your dog is a typical Yorkie, he won't appreciate it.

You must keep your pet in a carrier at all times when travelling by train, bus or Metro and you must purchase a ticket for him if travelling by train - usually around 10 EU. You must handle all your luggage yourself when boarding public transportation or a train, and this will be more complicated with your dog in his carrier. You'll have to walk, feed and water him, too - this won't be easy if you have tight connections.

Most hotels require that pets remain in their carriers if you must leave him alone in the room - this is for insurance purposes. I haven't been to the cities you mentioned, but I live with my dog in Paris, and parks and green spaces are off-limits, as are many stores - especially food stores of any kind. They are allowed in cafes and restaurants, as a general rule. Your dog must remain on a leash when you take him for a walk.

I'm sure you will have a good time, but based on my experience, I really don't think your dog will.
Perhaps you should do some more investigation about the nanny or other boarding options. Your dog will be well-taken care of, will be very glad to see you when you return and won't make you feel guilty.

Posted by
2393 posts

Returning to the US with a pet is regulated at the state level - each state has its own rules - as does the airline - check with yours if the health cert you obtained prior to leaving will be valid for returning. You may need to visit a vet prior to returning for new health cert.

You might consider obtaining a European Pet Passport in Berlin since you will be traveling in 4 countries - while you may never be asked for it having it can save headaches if you are.

Posted by
2508 posts

I'm in the 'leave the dog at home' camp - for one thing, I'd be really concerned about him getting dehydrated, particularly on the flight, and particularly since he's so little.

Posted by
715 posts

Ahh pets on planes.

A couple of years ago I was traveling back from FCO to JFK. Full flight waiting area chairs filled I sat on the floor against a wall and was joined by a woman who sat several feet away. She opened her bag and out popped a chihuahua. It walked right over and sat in my lap, then another, who did the same thing. She was shocked as her animals were usually afraid of other people. Turns out she had 4 chihuahuas in that bag, hmm maybe it was 5. Also, turns out she sat on the aisle seat opposite me. As everyone was preparing for the take off a woman in her row, your typical very loud American, started talking with authority about everything - quite loudly I might add. The woman with the dogs turned to me and said, "and you thought I was going to be the passenger from hell." Ha ha, i still chuckle about that. The dogs were fine on the flight as they slept the entire way.

Posted by
2393 posts

It is not necessary to refrain from giving the water during flight. Just take along some pads - the kind that turn to gel when wet - and line the carrier bottom - use 2 - 3 layers. Take some qt zip bags to contain & throw away soiled pads and maybe some disposable gloves for handling. Not that big of a deal - you can even take the carrier to the bathroom and take care of the pads there.

The biggest consideration is if the dog is accustomed to traveling or not.

Posted by
2466 posts

If the OP is travelling in Business or First Class, as I did, she'll have an easier time of things.
If seated in the middle of a row in Economy, not so much.
It's like travelling with an infant - not impossible, but I wouldn't do it if it weren't absolutely necessary.
My vets advised me to keep my small dog hydrated throughout the flight. Larger dogs in the cargo hold don't need as much water.

Posted by
9085 posts

There are so many things you will not be able to do with a dog along. Your dog will not enjoy this trip, and you will not have the same level of enjoyment either. Please rethink this.

Posted by
9393 posts

Oh please. You are taking your dog for selfish reasons.

Do you honestly think you will be able to enter any museum with a pet? Have you found pet friendly accommodations? What if your dog gets sick or by chance bites someone? What if your dog is terrified of new noises? Yelps, whines or cries on the plane? Though about any of that?

Doesn't sound like it.

Your dog is a pet not a travel accessory. Think of the your dog first and realize its best to let him/her stay at home safe and sound.

Posted by
2466 posts

Maybe the OP hasn't come back to comment because her dog ate all the good advice...

Posted by
9331 posts

You won't be able to go into churches, bakeries, grocery stores, or museums with your dog.
Do be aware that many people do have allergies to dogs and you are forcing them to be around your dog on the train, on the plane, in your hotel and restaurant. Doesn't sound quite fair to me.

Posted by
9393 posts

JB hasn't returned and I'll take Vegas odds won't return because we advised it wasn't a smart move.

Pretty certain the one time poster was hoping for validation from us.

Suspect they'll still travel with the dog.

C'est la vie.

Posted by
11891 posts

FYI, there is a great organization Trusted Housesitters where you can post your needs for a sitter and find someone wonderful to care for pup and house. We've had sitters from THS twice now and made new friends as a result.