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traveling in October

What are the best countries weather wise to visit, late October early November?

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3428 posts

I guess that depends on what kind of weather you like! I've heard that Italy is nice that time of year (warmish days, coolish evenings and smaller crowds). But we've enjoyed the UK and Austria as late as the end of Nov. - beginning of Dec. Just take the right kind of clothes- plan to layer. And plan your sightseeing so that you allow for shorter periods of daylight (never bothered us- hubby just didn't take quite as many photos).

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12040 posts

I won't comment on which countries, but it would be better use of your time to concentrate on cities. Besides the oft-mentioned reduced hours of daylight, another reason not to plan too much in the countryside is the sharply reduced visibility. Late fall-early winter weather north of the Alps is often very damp and overcast. All those wonderful post-cards shots of colorful villages in majestic settings are usually taken in the summer, because later in the year, everything looks gray and hazy. So, to get the most site-seeing for your hard earned vacation time and money, stick to the cities.

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12313 posts

It's a great time for South of the Alps (Spain, Portugal, South of France, Italy, Greece, Turkey). We visited Italy in that timeframe and thought it was perfect.

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1893 posts

If you want "warmer" temps, stay south...southern Italy (Rome, etc) Southern France or Spain. If you don't mind cooler days, go north. We were in Rome first week of November a few years ago and it was great, cool days, but not cold. Went to Munich in late October 2 years ago and experienced the same thing. Biked in England (Wessex region) last September and had rain every day, and it was pretty darn cold. (Stonehenge in the AM and 45º - cold for biking!) Hiked in Alsace region of France last October (early, first week) and temps were ideal...did have to wear a jacket most days, but had great sunny days during the harvest season. your timing to travel is wonderful, as Europe is not as touristy that time of year, rates are down a bit. Just know that you won't have as many hours of daylight as in the summer, and you should pack to expect rain and cooler days.

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355 posts

Depends on what weather wise you consider best. If you want warm weather head south --- Italy, Portugal, Spain, Greece etc. If you want to go skiing head North or visit the Alps.

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12313 posts

My experience in Germany is that it turns cold sometime in October. Early October isn't too bad, decent days (unless wet) and cool to cold nights. Somewhere around the middle of October it turns cold. One trip I went from a light jacket in early October to all my layers plus visiting a department store for wool gloves, scarf and ski cap - and was still freezing. I think the change was October 16th that year. Days get a lot shorter in Northern climes too. People often overlook this but it seriously affects sight-seeing. As a general rule, in summer I want to be north. In winter, I want to be south.

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355 posts

As a general rule, in summer I want to be north. In winter, I want to be south. Rule works pretty good in North America too.