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Traveling Around the World With No Luggage While this is not Europe specific, we have lots of discussions on luggage: size, weight, etc. Rolf Potts is trying to go around the world with no luggage[INVALID]just what he can fit in his Scottevest. Lee....something to think about!!! :)

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4412 posts

Dang! I was actually in talks with SCOTTEVEST about sponsoring Lee...That durn Rolf...(sniffling) and it was gonna be a surprise...

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32324 posts

Frank II, Thanks for posting that. It will be interesting to follow his progress. I didn't see a list anywhere of what gear he'll be taking?

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32324 posts

The only disadvantage is that if one is out day touring, some of the gear in the pockets would have to be left in the Hotel room (and possibly the Coat also, depending on how hot the weather is). I can't imagine day touring in hot weather while hauling around my toothbrush, underwear and other worldly possessions. It will be interesting to see how this works out.

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1152 posts

I bought a Scottevest coat to check out all the pockets and it does have room to hold a bunch of stuff. If you packed it full, though, it would likely show. Putting a spare pair of pants or shirt in the really big pocket in back would make for a lumpy coat. Is this effort really any different from just carrying a small backpack? Still, I admire the attempt to pack light, in whatever form it takes. Edit: Well, I checked out his blog. He is taking only one pair of pants so he may not be carrying enough to bulge. Personally, I cannot imagine traveling without at least one spare.

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16053 posts

Remember, Paul, his trip is sponsored by....Scottevest. They're paying the bills.

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375 posts

I, too, found this really interesting. I was surprised when he said he is not taking dental floss. Did I hear that right? I've got to have dental floss. Aside from the health issue, it could come in handy, as in for a clothesline or to tie something. I believe he said he could probably borrow some, but I can't imagine bumming dental floss from strangers. Plus, to me that would be a bit of a cheat on the whole idea of carrying what you need. But this is certainly an interesting project.

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4555 posts

It's interesting that he begins the blog with the statement "my packing process has just been a matter of tossing a few familiar items into my Eagle Creek Voyage 65L backpack and closing the door behind me." That's almost 4000 cu. in. of space! My 21x14x7 suitcase has about half that much space. This might be a little tougher than he thinks.....and I wonder how much he will purchase along the way!

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1525 posts

Yea, I would definitely take a pair of shorts along. Interesting to note that in his packing demonstration, he put everything in his Scottevest. He hadn't yet put anything in his cargo pants. I think he could have done without the collapsable bluetooth keyboard, too, and just struggled with the tiny keyboard on the mobile.