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Travel with an 84 yrs. young senior

Hi. My brother and I are planning a trip to Normandy & Salzburg with our dad who is 84 (target is late June 2025) He has some minor mobility issues and copd. I bought a wheelchair a couple years ago for “just in case”. Looking for advice and suggestions for best ways to travel (should I take my own wheelchair? Rent a car at both locations?) Tours suitable for him. Goal is to experience as many D-Day sites as possible. To see the Eagle’s Nest while in Salzburg. Appreciate any advice & the benefit of the forum’s experiences.

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291 posts

Yes on the car for France! I don’t know about the Eagle’s Nest, so I can’t advise whether you should get a car in Salzburg. And take your disabled parking placard (get one from dad’s doctor if you don’t already have it) along so you can get as close as possible. If your dad will use the wheelchair, you should bring it, not try to rent one. Just make sure your rental car has room for it and the luggage. Maybe also one of those canes that makes into a chair?
In addition to the Normandy sites, consider the Atlantic Wall museum near Ostend in Belgium. Also, Oradour-Sur-Glane, the bombed town that’s preserved.

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749 posts

When we visited in 2017, we took the Eagles Nest Historical Tours. Now that company only runs private tours. It may be pricey for just the 3 of you, but it may be exactly what you need for your circumstances, as they could tell you exactly how best to accommodate. There is no car access up to the Eagles Nest. I wasn't paying too much attention, but the Eagles Nest and viewing areas may not be super wheelchair friendly. Reach out to Eagles Nest Historical Tours (founded by an American) as your first step. Of course this doesn't address getting from Salzburg.

Also...Normandy. We were just there in April. We scheduled a tour with Overlord Tours for WW2 sites. The day before our tour my husband injured his foot. They were kind enough to provide a wheelchair in the tour van when I called. In hindsight the wheelchair really was only suitable for the American Cemetery. There's no way to use it on the beaches. I would definitely search this forum for suggested private tours for DDay sites, as I think you'd be happier being personally accommodated if your budget allows. But you definitely need a rental car in Normandy even if you take a private (or any kind) tour for WW2 sites.

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105 posts

Hi! I would definitely rent a car in both locations. I’ve traveled with my then-82 yo father and my 89 yo grandmother, both of whom could walk, and even then doing the trains was really hard. There are elevators etc for them to use, it’s all well-designed, but just the managing them plus someone also having to manage not only their luggage but your own….it’s a lot. It’ll ultimately be much more relaxing by car as long as you are comfortable driving. Normandy is relatively easy for mobility challenges because it’s so flat. Eagle’s Nest…if you need to do a tour I definitely second getting a private guide. Again, so much less stressful. And I echo the parking pass thing.

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765 posts

I am not much help with Normandy and Salzburg. However, I traveled to Jordan and Israel with my 88 year old mother last year. Even though she doesn't have any significant mobility issues, the smartest thing she did was to hire a physical therapist before the trip to work with her on stair climbing and uneven surfaces. She didn't miss a beat --- Petra, Jerash, Jerusalem, Masada, Megiddo, and much more.