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travel white noise/sleep sound machine

Has anyone found a very lightweight sleep sound machine for traveling? I usually need the sound of a fan or something similar to drown out disruptive sounds, in order to sleep in a new environment. Joy~

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29 posts

I have used used a Brainwave Travel Sleep Iphone/ITouch app when flying and I think it might work. I have also tried random noise type tracks from Itunes. I used those with earphones, so no extra hardware was required since I use the ITouch for many other travel applications.

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1152 posts

You can buy white noise mp3 files off Amazon and lots of other places for very little. If you have an mp3 player with decent speakers, or if you don't mind sleeping with earphones in your ears, you could use that. One of my cell phones has surprisingly good speakers, so I use it. Besides the mp3 sound files, I also have a white noise app that I bought (for very little, too) that offers a wide variety of sounds to choose from. My Kindle will play music, too, so I have a white noise file loaded on it. I don't take the Kindle on "traveling light" trips, but do when I'm traveling in the U.S.

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9100 posts

Not everyone can use earplugs. Some people need absolute silence to sleep...and earplugs work for that. But for others (including myself) sleep can only be induced via white noise which actively blocks and covers the outside world.

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32213 posts

Joy, Is THIS the type of product you're looking for? Cheers!