...and I know this is slightly off topic and will prob get deleted, but also know Canada won't let you in if you try to bring in undeclared guns/weapons...
"Yarberry, a retired teacher and home inspector, told the agent he had left his gun at his hotel in Calais, Maine, for a day trip to New Brunswick. A secondary search of his van, though, found a Glock handgun in a holster under his seat, its magazine loaded but the chamber empty, said Thorn.
Falvey arrived a few hours later, also denying he was carrying weapons in his motor home. On secondary inspection, an agent found five cans of pepper spray, four stun guns and a handgun under his bed. Asked about the gun, Falvey asked if that was the one under his sink, so the agents found and seized that gun too.
Both men pleaded guilty to failing to declare weapons and making false statements.
Thorn told Judge Alfred Brien that since June, about one American a week has appeared in court in New Brunswick for bringing guns across the border and misleading agents about it."