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Travel Insurance for Seniors

There are three of us traveling, but two on Medicare (which does not provide coverage outside the US). Has anyone had the misfortune to need the medical coverage on a trip? If so, which companies do you recommend? They all look about the same. I’ve used Seven Corners and TravelGuard. TG was wonderful on a trip cancellation/missed flight, but that has been ten years ago. Thanks!

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8618 posts

I have never had to use the medical insurance overseas when traveling, but I like the medical coverage and medical evacuation coverage with American Express. Usually the cost is $60 for my wife and self for up to a month's coverage of $1 mil.

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1114 posts

Just adding a few points - There IS usually coverage on Medicare overseas, limited to $50,000 lifetime. I don't recall the type of 'supplemental policy' it is, but call your provider, you should be able to add it for a very small charge. When I checked, it was already included. In addition to Medicare, I also have a GeoTrekker policy, and yes there are limits, conditions & pre-existing. The devil is in the detail.

If you're traveling into / out of the EU, there is relatively new EU compensation for any flight delayed over 2 hours or cancelled, (You just fill out the form on the airline's website.) If you miss a connection due to delay, any major airline will book you onto another flight, unless you need to cancel before you go. In that case, look closely at your ticket. I fly UA almost exclusively, as long as it's not 'basic economy', there's no cancellation fee but you have to use the $$ within 12 months. Good luck!!

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9096 posts

Many people on Medicare have either a supplemental policy or a Medicare advantage plan that does cover them while overseas. I would check your current coverage to confirm what coverage you actually might have. Some quality credit cards also provide some coverage.

Medical only through Allianz can be economical.

Medical evacuation insurance is where people sometimes drop the ball. I travel frequently so I have a yearly policy through Medjet.

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8172 posts

This link from Medicare itself suggests that there is no basic coverage for international travel. I think some Medicare SUPPLEMENTS explicitly offer up to $50K for foreign travel, however.

This third-party site suggests the same thing:

I'd note that when I went to a cruise ship doctor for a minor matter, and put in a TravelGuard claim, I was told that I had to submit a Medicare "denial" claim before they would consider my Travel Insurance claim. Since my Medicare Advantage paperwork is always done for me, that was a tedious prospect. Of course, they were hoping the claim would "go away."

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5339 posts

We've had a couple of claims with TravelGuard. In both cases we had to pay up front and file for reimbursment. Received checks a couple of weeks later.

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11857 posts

Yes, we have needed medical care while traveling and Travel Guard reimbursed us quickly, full amounts. One claim was for $20,000. We have been covered and made claims for medical emergencies in France, Spain, Japan and Italy.

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1114 posts

As I said above, Many people on Medicare have a supplemental policy that covers them overseas. I know I do, as I called and verified it. So please do contact your Medicare provider & if it's not already covered, it's not much $$ for additional $50,000 worth of lifetime overseas coverage. AND I also have a GeoTreker policy. Some people add medical evacuation insurance.

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1085 posts

Yes, we have needed medical care while traveling and Travel Guard reimbursed us quickly, full amounts. One claim was for $20,000.

Where was that? Any circumstances you can share, and also did you have to pay the full $20k with a CC before leaving the hospital/country, or was any kind of arrangement made to lessen that impact?