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Travel Insurance.

I'm trying to determine the type of travel insurance needed for a trip to Italy. My current health insurance will only cover emergency care outside the US and I would have to pay out-of-pocket first. Have any of you purchased travel insurance you would recommend?

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852 posts

Hi Ernest,

... I suggest you search the yellow pages under International Insurance for AIG's phone #. Talk with their phone receptionist - ask for the name and phone # of an agent/ broker who handles international travel insurance [i.e. property, casualty and health coverages]. That agent/broker should have the info you want. ciao! P

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1449 posts

search this website, it is often discussed. Use the box at the top right. As for purchasing, compare policies at

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9371 posts

Mike is right. has many policies to choose from, from many companies, so you can find one that fits your exact needs without paying for something you don't.

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1717 posts

The companies that I talked to, that provide "Traveler's insurance" that includes health care insurance in Europe, said they will reimburse the traveler after he/she spends money at a medical center or clinic in Europe. I think some insurance companies in the U.S.A. will send money directly to a medical center or clinic in Europe, but that may require spending more money for the insurance policy to have that capability.

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780 posts

You might want to check with your airline. I got travel insurance for $34 with my tickets. It covers medical abroad (reimbursements) and also covers monies for clothing and sundries if my luggage is lost more than 24 hours, hotel stays for delays, and other things. The covereage probably isnt spectacular, but its peace of mind and not that expensive...