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Travel from Slovenia to Croatia October

Traveling from Lake Bled, near Ljubljana, Slovenia to Dubrovnik, Croatia and Rovinj in Istria Croatia. What is recommended mode of travel? What other hot spots do you recommend for 4-5 days of travel in Croatia?

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It depends on personal preference. I would suggest bus travel. Many Americans are often put off by the idea of buses, but in Croatia they are often faster and cheaper than trains, and just as nice (if not nicer) - and in many areas trains simply aren't an option. The other option is to drive, but you're looking at potentially high fees for renting a car in one country and dropping it off in another. I traveled by bus from Bosnia to Dubrovnik then up to Zadar where I flew out and it was convenient and affordable. My favorite town to visit was Split, which would be a nice halfway point between Istria and Dubrovnik.