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Travel Festival Nov 2012

Who is planning to attend the travel festival? Which class are you most excited for? Do you think Rick will be able to sign books or answer any questions?

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14921 posts

Assuming there is not a major snow event happening over Snoqualmie, I'm going. I guess I am looking forward to Light Packing, but really, just excited to go hear people talk about travel to Europe! Are you looking forward to anything in particular?

Posted by
44 posts

We went to the one in April and it was great! I'm excited to hear Rick speak as we have watched almost all of his DVDs! The art lecture sounds great and informative.

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1429 posts

Yes, even though I have heard Rick speak about Italy before at a past Travel Festival, I am going again and have signed up for the Italy talk @ 4pm. I always have a good time. Sometimes there are opportunities to meet with Rick personally and then ask for autographs. It is usually when he is meeting with former tour members at the annual Tour Alumni party - think it is in January. Linda

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32388 posts

A&A, I've been attending Travel Festivals at ETBD for many years, and Rick always seems to be able to sign books and answer questions. However, his time is usually quite limited so he will probably only have a few minutes. I'd suggest getting the book signed first and keep the questions brief. For those that may be interested in RS tours, don't forget the "main event" on January 12th, which will include not only Tour Reunions bus also free "Test Drive A Tour Guide" presentations for anyone that's interested (registration is required). Cheers!

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2794 posts

I am toying with doing the festival again. Did it several years ago and really enjoyed it. (I am in California on business and flights to Seattle don't look TOO outrageous) The city is also a nice place to just wander around.

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575 posts

Your best chance to get a book signed will be after his final talk of the day. He usually hangs around in the lobby after it is all over and doesn't have another class to get to.

Posted by
1939 posts

Ok Ken, the cat is out of the bag....for years we have been thinking you were really RS himself, and it sounds like you have inside information on the festival. Come clean Rick :)

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32388 posts

@Susan & Monte, LOL! Several of the HelpLine members have met me, and they can tell you unequivocally that I'm not Rick. The information about the Jan. 12 event is posted in the "Tours" section, for those that want further details. Cheers!