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travel before krakow

I'm meeting my parents on a Tuesday in Krakow but am leaving Boston on Thursday night to get to Europe sometime Friday. The flights seemed pretty reasonable to Helinski and then a flight to Krakow. Should I just spend more time in Poland since its only Friday-Tuesday? Perhaps fly into Warsaw and explore there for a few days?

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989 posts

This is just me, but I would take the opportunity to see a little of the Baltic region. If you fly into Helsinki you could have 3 - 3.5 full days there, enough to see that city and also take a day-ferry over to Tallin in Estonia. I'm taking six days at the end of a trip to St Petersburg this summer to visit these two, altho I will have 3 nites in each city. It started out as an - Well, I'm already in the neighbourhood - thing. But as I researched more, I found these cities, especially Tallin, very appealing.

You have the time. Do some research and see what catches your fancy more; an extra 3-4 days in Poland / Warsaw, or some time in the Baltics. Both are easily doable. Just comes down to your personal preference.

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15098 posts


A tough decision on where to fly into. I would choose Warsaw since you are going to Krakow later on. Warsaw is interesting and an eye-opener. Absolutely worth the 4 days I spent there, and revisiting too.

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6 posts

Thanks! Elaine, how are you getting to Tallin from Helsinki? How are you spending your three days in Helsinki?

What was on your itinerary for 4 days in Warsaw? Did you take a train to Krakow from there?

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1446 posts

You can also make the most of the ferry link to Saint Petersburg from Helsinki. If you do it right, you will not need a Russian visa - check into it. IMO, it would be a great opportunity.

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989 posts

hi Katie,

I am disembarking from a river cruise in St Petersburg. I have decided to take the bus to Tallin as there is no longer any train service. After three nights there I will take the ferry to Helsinki, about 2 hours, and spend my last two days there. (I misspoke, I have only 5 days, not 6, and decided to give the extra day to Tallin.) Haven't planned the daytime activities yet, am just making hotel reservations tonight. After that's done, I will get busy with the guide books to plan activities like museums and walking tours (and shopping).
Go to the TV shows section here at the website and watch Rick's shows on Helsinki and Tallin, to see the highlights of both.

(I haven't been to Poland yet.)

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53 posts

My advice as one of lives in Poland a lot of the year. Just stay in Krakow area. You are in a great location with much to see and do. Take a look at the various web pages on Krakow and you will see and I bet you will fall in love with the area. If you feel the need take a 3 hour train ride to Warsaw and overnight and come back. Don't waste your time with more trains and planes when you could be enjoying southern Poland.

Happy to answer more questions if need be just drop me a note.