Can I buy pre-paid round trip tickets from Nice to Monaco for just anytime on a certain day? We don't know when we will arrive in Nice.
There is no need to buy tickets in advance. There is open seating on regional trains and your tickets will be good on any one of them. You will need to buy single tickets each way. Be sure to validate (time stamp) your tickets for Nice-Monaco in a machine at the station in Nice and for Monaco-Nice at the station in Monaco.
Thanks. I appreciate your prompt reply.
We took the bus to Monaco from Nice as a daytrip. Bus ticket was one euro pay as you board. Ride was about 40 minute and VERY scenic, right along the coast. Buses run frequently , when we wanted to leave we just stood at bus stop and it seemed one came along in 15 minutes or so.
Thanks. I am looking forward to this trip.