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Train schedule and tickets after December 14

If you see the European Winter train schedule and fares post (for travel after December 14) could you post a “heads up” on the forum. According to Seat61 sometime in October.

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19496 posts

Renee, not sure which train line you are asking about, but I would have guessed prior to the end of November ... lets watch.

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2373 posts

It all depends on the country. For Switzerland next years timetable is already known, but not yet in the database on
For most of central Europe I expect the times to be available around mid october.

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7313 posts

In the UK for instance the new timetables are already known. They may not be published on train companies websites, but are now confirmed and in industry systems.
As soon as 2 or 3 month booking deadlines (depending on the train company) are reached they will show on the various journey planning tools.