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Trabel TImes

We will be traveling in Germany and England. We'll be driving. I've been told to use Mapquest to figure driving times. I've also been told that Mapquest times, and most other estimated travel times, can be way off. Can anyone please give me a ballpark of times/days/places where those times are most likely to be "off?" I could imagine weekends, and around certain cities, but if there are nay other parameters, those would be really helpful In other words, please psych out Mapquest and Europeans, and tell me how to plan out our travels. Thanks!

Posted by
9369 posts

In my experience, Mapquest has the least reliable time estimates and bad directions. I would suggest you try instead.

Posted by
813 posts

We use mapquest printed maps, our GPS, and travel company (like AAA) maps. The GPS is the least reliable, as it often takes you on the first exit off the autobahn (into a town), but necessarily the most efficient/best way. As far as times, mapquest shows times in perfect conditions, meaning if there's no traffic, no construction, no potty stops, etc. Last month we went skiing in Austria. It's is a 3 hr 10 min trip on mapquest. There was major traffic and some construction in two places along our way and it took 7.5 hrs to get home (not kidding-that's including the brief 20 min potty/food stop). It was a Saturday. Also just be aware of where you're at. Don't try to head through a major city interchange (Frankfurt, Berlin, etc.) during rush hour at 8AM.

Posted by
2876 posts

I agree with Nancy that gives the best time estimates in Europe. Just remember that their estimates do not include time spent stopping for gas, lunch, scenic photo ops, and circling roundabouts 5 times before figuring the correct exit.

Posted by
629 posts

I agree with Nancy & Tom, is the way to go. As already noted, just take their times and add extra for stops along the way. Don't forget, enjoy the route you take not just the final destination.

Posted by
33473 posts

google maps do a really good job now. If you give an idea of where you will be driving perhaps we can give specific advice, particularly of semi-permanent road works, or regular stau / bouchon / tailback areas.

Posted by
95 posts

We would like to pick up our car in/near London, and drop it off there. On our list of things to see are; Canterbury cathedral, Hastings, Stonehenge, Wales, Preston (yes, it's odd; we have family there) Hadrian's Wall, Lincoln Cathedral, Sherwood Forest (thank you, teen daughter!) and London. We'll have a blast, but we'll be pooped!
Oh, yes. We'll be in England from May21-May31. -whew-

Posted by
33473 posts

Melody I take it that you are returning your car and getting another in Germany? You will be in the UK at the time of the Late May Bank Holiday which will make a bit of a hash of driving. The Holiday is actually on the Monday, the 30th, but it has implications for the whole weekend and the weekend prior. Any predicted driving times, from any source, will need a big adjustment at this time of year. Roads and trains will be very crowded. If the sun elects to make an appearance (not a dead cert) roads to and from the coast will be even more crowded. The motorways throughout the country will be busy, but the busiest will be the M25, M5, M6, M1 and roads in an out of Wales. Roads in Kent and Sussex, particularly those towards the coast such as A20, M20, M/A23. People will start to leave on Thursday night, all day Friday, and much of Saturday. Sunday will be quieter, with fetes and other events, and the tide will return on Monday. Those with a week or fortnight off will go the week before or the Friday of the bank holiday. If you go midweek to Germany you will have more flexibility. Enjoy your holiday, I'm sure you will.

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33473 posts

Oh, and if you drive in London (brave) remember the Congestion Charge. Ignore it at your peril.