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Towns Near Moscow Group Meeting

There are several of us meeting in Moscow, Idaho on Saturday, 31 March at 10:30am. We'll be meeting in the back conference room of "One World Cafe" at 533 S. Main Street. We'll of course have RS maps and books so you'll recognize the group.
Some of us are from Troy, Genesee, Colfax and the Lewiston/Clarkston Valley. And my question anyone else interested in joining us?

Posted by
10727 posts

I am! I am! Moscow...I have always wanted to see Russia. Do I have time to get a visa? Wait a minute. Don't you know the rules? You have to meet at Panera. You can be exempted from that rule if One World Cafe has wifi.

Posted by
2092 posts

Ah! Andrea, You read this as Mos-Cow. It's actually
Mos-Ko in Idaho, known throughout California as Iowa!

Posted by
1840 posts

Andrea, You might be interested in the AM radio tutorial I am prepared to give, if asked.

Posted by
10727 posts

Monte, that sounds...fascinating? No, not the word I'm looking for. If your group meets on the 3rd Saturday of the month we could Skype with each other. We have Skyped with the Denver group and with Nigel in England.

Posted by
14972 posts

LOL Darcy, it is also known in Florida as Iowa! I am not sure where the nearest Panera is...don't think I have ever seen one in these parts. Monte, exactly what does your AM radio talk include. OneWorld has tons of coffee so we can probably last thru anything. The Troy contingent will be there! My brother wants a look at a Tom Bihn Western Flyer if anyone has one. See you guys Saturday.

Posted by
14972 posts

Hmmm, as I suspected, there are Panaras (Panerae??) in Washington but on the other side of the mountains. None in Idaho or Montana.

Posted by
1840 posts

I just made that up although I do have a little pocket AM/FM/SW that has never gone on a journey.

Posted by
3273 posts

Darcy! I'm from Iowa and everyone assumed that we grew potatoes or that our home football team was the Buckeyes! Have a fun meeting - we love the friends we've made through the Rick Steves' travel group in Atlanta!

Posted by
14972 posts

Sharon you are welcome to come to the Iow-da meeting! Monte, doubt you could count the journey from Genesee to Moscow as a trip...altho sometimes it could be considered a different world.

Posted by
477 posts

Can't make it on the 31st but would like to meet up with the group in the future. Driven that road many times to watch my kids play sports in Pullman and Clarkston so it doesn't seem so far. Please keep us informed about your next meeting.

Posted by
4 posts

Darcy - In a lot of these small towns, after a couple of decades, you might not be considered an immigrant, but you are still a newcomer! I think it might take a couple of generations to shed that label.

Posted by
2092 posts

Leslie, Colville, we'll be sure to post each meeting announcement here under "General Europe". Well, we were doing well at keeping Idaho a secret and had everyone convinced we lived in Iowa but now the population will double in no time. (Shhh, don't tell, we moved up from California 30 years ago. I think once a Californian has lived in Idaho 27 years, he/she is no longer considered an immigrant.)

Posted by
2092 posts

But Roger, we have kids and grandkids who were born here! Doesn't that count?

Posted by
2092 posts

Andrea, We have a special deal for you! You can come visit lovely Moscow without having to get a visa! Please be sure to let Eileen know that we'd love to have her visit too!
Another bonus--if you arrive by 7:30 tonight you can learn some international folk dances at "The Attic"!

Posted by
156 posts

We'll be in Moscow mid-April so we're just missing your get together. Had to laugh about the people in CA thinking Idaho was Iowa. I'm originally from MO and when we go back everyone thinks we're from DC. Let's keep 'em in the dark. I've been to Iowa and DC. I'll take Idaho and WA anytime.

Posted by
10727 posts

Thanks for the invite Darcy. Eileen is out of town right now, so she won't be able to make it. I'm a bit tied up here myself, unfortunately. I would so much rather be in Moscow, however you want to pronounce it! By the way, I have NEVER confused Idaho with Iowa! Idaho has the corn and Iowa has the potatoes, right? Iowa has the Rockies and Idaho is in the Midwest. You can't get anything past me! ;-)

Posted by
14972 posts

lol Andrea! Moscow wherever it is, is right in the heart of lentil/garbanzo/dry pea country with some wheat and hay thrown in as well. Looking forward to seeing everyone in the AM.

Posted by
14972 posts

Well, I had a terrific time! We had 11 people and talked pretty much non-stop for 2 1/2 hours. It was so nice to meet everyone and listen to travel experiences/ideas/tips. Looking forward to next month!

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14972 posts

James, you would be welcome at our next meeting! Moscow is pretty different from Boise.

Posted by
2092 posts

Hmmm, yes, I'd say Boise and Moscow are extremely different! Good points for both though.
Doug and I really enjoyed meeting everyone and we really did talk non-stop! It was great! Next meeting: 21 April, same time, same place! Can't wait!

Posted by
1 posts

Just wanted to say it was good talking to you at the airport on our way to Seattle. Trust you found the purrfect mother of the groom dress. I had a great time with our son. This is the only way I could think to touch base with you as I remember you saying that you belong to a Rick Steeves travel group that meets locally! Let me know when you meet next, maybe I will go. I am now looking for a travel pant (maybe a Lucy pant) for our trip to NYC. hope to make it to Italy sometime so I'm sure I could learn a lot from this group! Cheers, Cheryl Johnson (I'm assuming some of our children grad from LHS together, '89, '96, '97. I taught there in the mid-80's before going up to the U of I for 25 years.)

Posted by
2092 posts

Cheryl--Please check your Profile for a private message!