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Tourist Visa Help

Good Afternoon, my husband and I (both retired) are planning a two year travel to Europe (tourist) starting April 2012. I am asking anyone to give me advise on how to go about this trip of a lifetime. Schengen visa is really confussing and by reading all the info it looks like it may not happen for us. We are Canadian so I know we have a free 90 days but how about the other 21 months??? What is the best way to go about this....any help would be appreciated..

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9369 posts

The Schengen Agreement only allows 90 days of travel within the Zone in any 180-day period. That means if you go to any of the Schengen countries (most of western Europe) you can only stay a total of 90 days in ALL countries (not each), and then you have to leave the Zone for 90 days. So you will have to intersperse your Schengen time with non-Schengen time to make it work. Unless you have a long-term visa in some country, this is the limit.

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23549 posts

This was recent extensively discussion in this section. You might try look back three or four weeks or using the search box. The big issue is the 90 days of 180 continuous days. And you should not ignore it because the penalties can be severe if caught. So you need to apply for an extended stay visa in one of the countries that you plan to visit or stay the longest. In the previous mention discussions I believe it might be fairly (and that is a relative term) easy to obtain an extended stay visit in France. We might be more helpful if you could lay out in broad terms which your plans.

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4535 posts

For a two year trip, I assume you will be settling in some location and making trips using that base. Wherever you plan to settle you will need a long-term visa. In general, for retired people with adequate means of support and health insurance, that can be relatively easy to obtain. But you'll need to research the country (or countries) you are thinking of living and get the specifics from their embassy.

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2 posts

Wow...I never thought posting on the site would be so helpful but I should have known better... We are planning on buying a campervan and travel as much and as long as we can... Thank you all again...

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813 posts

Contact your Department of State --Canadian equivalent. Only they can provide you with the most accurate information.

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1178 posts

I am also confused by the various sites regarding the visa for Spain....have decided that I will vist in person the consulate (not embassy) in Atlanta and see what I can learn. It appears that the application must be made in Spain, not the states, but certifications from the states (criminal background) must be provided. Wonder why Spain would not want me to stay more than the 90 days if I am spending my on money? Do they have more than they need? Think not with 20% unemployment.

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73 posts

They just want to be sure you will indeed be able to spend money, there are already enough people that can't. You are welcome, as long as you are a benefit to the country.