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Tour Operators in Alexandria Egypt

I know this is off topic/continent. Our cruise originates in Venice and the first stop is Alexandria, Egypt. Does anyone have experience with any of the tour operators in Alexandria/Cairo who go to the pyramids, etc.? We've seen some reviews of the operators, but it's hard to know if the reviews should be believed. Thanks for your input.

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32324 posts

Mike, the cruise line will probably have a list of "approved" tour operators when the ship docks in Alexandria. They'll probably be a bit on the "pricey" side but should be safe and well run. Happy travels!

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8293 posts

Something to consider: Cruise lines are obliged by Egyptian law to provide armed security guards for their ship excursions to Cairo.

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976 posts

I googled armed guards and cruises because I;ve seen armed guards many places. Interesting post: . I was in favor of Mike going with the official ship sold tour for reasons of traffic and potential mechanical (or flat tire!) issues, but the posts reinforce the pleasure of being at a site before the bus.

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73 posts

Mike Alexandria is not the place to go off and do your own thing with a tour operator. Do the tour offered from the cruise line you will be guarded and make it back to the ship i one place. We were there last year and were thankful for the guides. They drive like you have never seem before there are NO stop lights and NO ONE stays in their lanes for driving. Egypt takes the tourist trade very seriously they have armed guards for a reason and the guide on the tour will give you all the tips for keeping away the pesky vendors and give your camera to NO ONE there you WILL have to pay a ransom to get it back. No joke.