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Tour de France Starts at Mont Saint-Michel Saturday

The Tour de France starts from Mont Saint-Michel this Saturday, moves north up the coast, then across to finish Stage 1 at Utah Beach. Should be some nice scenery!

It's on NBCSN (NBC Sports Network), Time Warner has it, among others. It looks like start is 3:15 am Pacific time, so you may want to DVR it.

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A few years ago, I took the Vineyards and Villages Tour (now known as Eastern France) and remember gawking at Mt. Ventoux from one of the vineyards we visited. I thought you had to be crazy to drive, let alone bike to the top. I became a fan of bicycle racing on a trip to Italy in 1989 when our tour bus preceded the Giro D'Italia through a small town in the Dolomites. The madness was contagious and I was hooked! Watching the Tour is one of the best travelogs on TV and always makes me want to return to France.