Now that I'm almost 64 my thoughts increasingly turn to the limited time available for international travel and other things of course. Yes, I know I may be a young whippersnapper relative to some folks on this board, but I understand time is not on my side, despite what Mick Jagger once sang at a time when we really thought we'd live forever, or the end was so far away we didn't care. Sure, I know some folks travel extensively into their 80s and that's great, yet there is no stopping the train barreling down the tracks toward us.
Little things like a sore knee, back, or hip is no big deal at the moment, but what about 10 years from now? Events come out of nowhere we never see coming that can alter our lives for better or worse, but usually the latter in the Autumn or fourth season of our lives. Yes, diet and exercise are a big deal impacting the quality of our lives, but the inevitable will not be denied.
I apologize if this comes across as morbid as that's not my intent, although seemingly not long ago I was going to live forever, but now the approaching train is increasingly in my thoughts. Maybe that's a good thing.
For those of a certain age, or not, how does aging and health inform your travel plans?