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Three Days to go Blues

I am feeling more anxious than excited about our upcoming trip to Spain. Is this normal? I have been to Europe twice before ( England - 10th anniversary surprise and 5 years ago to Italy with friends who are Italian) and didn't feel this way. We are taking an ETBD tour for 16 of our 21 days so that planning was out of my hands but I have done the planning for everything else. Am I just depressed because there is nothing left to plan or am I worried that this trip (which I have done the work for) will not live up to my expectations? Thanks for any insight and for all the advice I've gotten from this website.

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4555 posts

"Am I just depressed because there is nothing left to plan?" That's exactly the issue....but that'll end in 2 1/2 days!!

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2758 posts

I always get nervous and tense right before my vacations. Too many things to worry about. Sometimes by the time I get to the airport I wonder why I put myself through this. But then I get there and I stop worrying and start having fun. I don't know if you are the same as me, but it doesn't mean you won't have a good trip.

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463 posts

you just got done with your last day of teaching? no WONDER you are stressed! have a great trip, and it all else fails, here's a happy thought--i'm in school until JUNE TWENTY SECOND. and i teach 8th grade. i'd rather be ANYWHERE but at work right now! and i love teaching. so think of me, the person you don't even know, sitting in a classroom while you're enjoying Spain! have a fantastic trip!

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2876 posts

I think there's always some normal anxiety about traveling to other countries. We worry about something going wrong so far from home. But relax and remember that you're going to places that are used to millions of visitors from all over the world. If you do run into unforeseen problems, you'll find that almost always the local people will go out of their way to be helpful. And contact with home is only an internet cafe away.

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41 posts

Same here! We leave on Thursday morning...have waited and planned and dreamed about this trip. But now I am feeling anxious and nervous. I know that when we are walking around Paris this weekend, these feelings will be long gone, but right now I feel sort of overwhelmed with working and getting ready!!

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446 posts

Hey, chill out! The Euro was at a new low today!

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62 posts

Thanks for all the supportive feedback. I just finished my last day of teaching and I already feel more relaxed. Just glad to know it's normal! Adios and I'll post a report when we return!

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239 posts

We leave tomorrow and I am just trying to get motivated to pack! Hence, I am on this website procrastinating:-)) If you ae like me, you are dreading the airport/flight, but once you arrive you will be fine...enjoy!!

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993 posts

Take a deep breath Gail you're in good company. Don't be depressed, just start making notes for your next trip. It's the whole airport thing I get anxious about.

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62 posts

Bless your heart! ( As my very southern mother would say) I admire those who can teach middle school. I swore I would never teach anyone taller than me so at 5'4" I'm stuck in elementary (though after 22 years I still love what I do too!)My students are very excited because I told them I would mail them all postcards from Spain.( I've already made preprinted labels)I spent part of the last week teaching my 4th graders about Spain's weather,geography, languages, culture, animals, and sports ( big discussion about bullfighting). Thanks again for all the supportive comments and I am already starting to plan ( in my head) next year's trip to Scotland.

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278 posts

What a wonderful thread. I am also a teacher (infants and toddlers) and parent educator (parents come to school, too) and tomorrow is my last day of classes. Just last night, I was having thoughts of dreading the whole airport experience and the long transatlantic flight. I thought that maybe we should just go to Hawaii instead of Italy. Ack! But this morning I visited the RS site and found these supportive posts. You can always count on the passionate travellers on this site to cheer each other along. Have a great trip to beautiful,sunny Spain, Gail! We'll be thinking of you.

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104 posts

Gail have fun on your too Adrienne. Try not to be depressed...I hate to say this will be plenty depressed when you get home and your trip is over. Revel in the excitement, google earth your hotels, check out websites, practice your languages. It will keep you motivated and excited. I am sooo jealous, I can't wait to go back. As far as the airports and long flights I will not be as bad as you think.

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792 posts

Speaking of being depressed after a trip; when I got home from a six week trip last summer to Spain/France, I felt very low for a couple of months. Not seriously depressed, just kind of bored. It took quite a while to be happy again with every day living! Now, I'm almost ready to start planning my next big trip! Here we go again; plan, plan, plan (which I love), take trip (which I love), come home (not so much!)

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97 posts

I left myself no time to be bored. I finish the group portion of my trip, spend time with family, and fly back less than a week before I get to start continuing language classes!

Posted by
104 posts

Kerry...I am so happy to hear that other people are depressed when they return. I returned the 15th and I am in a funk! I see planes in the sky...I hear "paris" and my ears perk..ugh..I can't shake it. Gail, have a great time and savor every minute!