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This question if for folks that have seen many catacombs in Europe. Would you go back to any?

I want to visit a few catacomb's while on our 4 month trip to Europe. The rest of the group may not really want to go to any, but I can probably drag them to one. Which one would that be? This is a really a question for folks that have been to more than one, Please add the number you have been to in your response. Thanks!! -Bill

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8127 posts

The one in Paris is pretty extensive; I'd only go back with a teen or someone who has never been.

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4815 posts

If this is a particular interest of yours, the chapter on the Paris catacombs in the book Underland by Robert Macfarlane is superb.

I have only been to the ones in Malta--I could not get very far. I have toured caves and even underground cities in Turkey, but catacombs give me a spatial orientation problem--I have a hard time in maze-like settings.

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1020 posts

I’ve been to the Paris catacombs and the ossuary outside Prague in Kutna Hora - Sedlec. I’ve been other places where there are catacombs and have not visited, which says something. The ossuary in Kutna Hora was pretty amazing, the bones are very artistically displayed. Paris catacombs are mildly interesting, but it quickly felt like just endless chambers of skulls (which it is.) It’s kind of an intense space to be in, even if you don’t generally feel claustrophobic. Something about the monotony and size of it all, we were thrilled when we reached the end. Always a long line too, I would not recommend.

My take is, it is a cultural phenomenon that has a degree of shock when you’re not used to seeing it, but it’s not the most fascinating experience. I think places where you really feel the personal connection with those entombed there, like Hallstatt or Palermo can be more meaningful. I wouldn’t plan my trip around one either way.