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The Webmaster is Not the Village Idiot

He's working on the problems.

If we'd confine our comments, without all the 'me to' stuff, in the place he designated, it'd give him something cleaner to work with.

I made this one separate, and used a catchy title for one reason:

Posting to point out that a thread is ancient just brings it back to the top where it shall remain even when things are sorted out. Why not leave it alone?

Posted by
1045 posts

Thanks for the vote of confidence? :)

We are working on fixing the root of the issue so that 1) the issue is fixed and 2) people don't feel compelled to point it out. :)

Posted by
4421 posts

Umm...already editing my post

Edit: Apparently the Italics and Bold CAN be used together, but it shows up as only Bold in the preview. I would like to formally rescind my 'threat' of barking at the Webmaster for this perceived crimping of my lifestyle. Carry on.

Sure he is!!!

(just kidding)

I'm actually enjoying the stroll down memory lane ;-) Anything to be rid of Classic View LOL! That made Google searches a real pain.

Just a couple of things from me, though:

1) I would like to be able to see where the OP is from - for instance, Ed from Pensacola, Ed from NYC, Ed from Mars, etc. There are many posters with the same user name, and unless and until they respond to their own post, we don't know which 'Ed'/'Elaine'/'Eileen' it is. (FYI/FWIW - I checked once upon a time; there are more 'Eileens' - spelled exactly like that - on the Helpline than any other name I could come up with! Considering I met my first other 'Eileen' in person only a few weeks ago...that's pretty remarkable...for me.)

2) I would like to be able to use Italics and Bold together on the same word/phrase. Right now, thanks to Preview (Love it!!! Thanks!!! This will cut down on Edits!), I can see that I can't combine the two :-( I'll live...for now.

These software changes take a while to shake out all of the little bugs, so be patient 8-D After an undetermined length of time, then we can bark at the Webmaster ;-)

Posted by
2081 posts


Posting to point out that a thread is ancient just brings it back to the top where it shall remain even when things are sorted out. Why not
leave it alone?

Maybe if you or someone would have said so sooner, we woudlnt be trying to help. No good deed goes unpunished.

Posted by
34583 posts

I note that the thread put up by Webbie has disappeared again...

Posted by
32417 posts

I'm missing the ability to underline specific words, but unfortunately it doesn't look like we'll be able to get that back.


I definitely agree with your point about showing the hometown of the poster in the initial question. It not only helps to keep things straight with people that have the same name, but also to provide location-specific advice that may help the OP. For example, if I saw that the OP was from Denver and having a lot of trouble working out their travel plans, I'd suggest that they attend the next meeting of the RS Denver group.


Posted by
5678 posts

Um, how long has it been since this new iteration of the Helpline was launched? Maybe three days? We really need to give them some time to fix things. I work with websites all the time and sadly, they don't all work perfectly at the start. I have one site that should have been up and functioning last February, it came up in May, but sadly, it was still not working rich in late September and now we're debating starting over!

So, I guess; I think if they can get these bugs fixed in a couple of weeks and then address things like underlining and classic view and tweaks to design, they will have done very well.

I would recommend not writing anything off for a few months. Use the thread provided by the Webmaster to provide feedback. I can tell that they value it. I think it's a bit early to make assumptions about anything.

And in the meantime, keep traveling! I'm off to Hershey PA for Thanksgiving. I've never been there and expect to have some chocolate. :)

What other exotic locations are on tap for November?


Posted by
1976 posts

For me, just going back and forth between St. Louis and Chicago for the holidays.

At least this site is working better than the Affordable Care Act / Obamacare site! :)

Posted by
1825 posts

In all fairness, even IF the website gets sorted doesn't prove that he is NOT the village idiot. ;)

Posted by
4421 posts

I've always suspected him...just sayin'.

I think he's created 'Jon' to try and get the heat off of himself...