Hey everyone! So as always I’m stuck at home thinking about potential European itineraries and add ons to my existing plans for Europe, and I stumbled upon a rabbit hole of history called “The 17th-18th Century Grand Tour”.
For anyone who doesn’t know what this was, it was essentially a cross Europe trip taken by young English gentlemen (although not only Englishmen took this type of trip) between the ages of 19-22 to take in Europe’s cultural treasures, capitalize on their youth, and for many...”sow their English oats”.
Ok history lesson over! Let’s talk itinerary. The classic route took the tourist from England, through Paris and the alps, and then throughout Italy, usually ending in Naples before returning home. Other routes took tourists around the alps, through The Low Lands (I believe that’s modern day Belgium and Netherlands?) and down through the Germanic regions of Europe, such as Munich, The Rhine Valley, and even Vienna.
This trip sometimes took years to complete. At most I have 5 weeks. I was already planning to go to London, Paris, Venice, Florence, and Rome over a 22 day period. What else could I do with 13 more days? How could I make a modern 21st century “Grand Tour” trip over the span of 35 days? Maybe 3 days in Amsterdam and 10 days throughout Germany/Austria? Let’s pretend you’ve never been to Europe. What does that first trip (done in the style of the Grand Tour) look like for you?