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Posted by
6869 posts

Maybe Brexit wasn't such a bad idea after all...

ETA: Oops, article goes on to say it'll happen in the UK, too.

Note to self: complete exploration of Europe by 2022, move on to free countries after that...

Posted by
32413 posts

I suppose this sort of thing has some benefits, but there will be some disadvantages as well. Perhaps the next device they invent will prevent tourists from driving into ZTL areas in Italy.

Posted by
7195 posts

One more reason to take the train instead of renting a car. Wait, wait, don't jump on me. I rent cars when appropriate, but given the option of trains I will go that route every time.

Posted by
1327 posts

Well according to the report here, the driver will be able to override the limiter by pressing the accelerator. But it's not clear if that is continuously, or just for a limited burst of speed.

Anyway, any decent driver shouldn't have a problem with this. And the "nanny state" (aka the law), needs to control the bad driver so as to protect the rest of us; so that's good too (although just taking away their driving licence would be better).

Posted by
226 posts

Easy/fairly accurate KPH/MPH conversion formula (1 mile = 1.61 km) -- Subtract half, add back 10%. 50KPH: 50-25 = 25, 25+5 = 30MPH.

Posted by
1962 posts

Now if they could just create a device that prevents rental cars from entering ZTLs, this forum will be a much happier place.

Posted by
6113 posts

My new Volvo already has the technology to read road speed signs. It reacts very quickly to changes in speed limits. Introducing this to all cars so quickly may be costly, particularly the cheaper models. It can also park itself, although I have only tried this once.

I think Britain will follow the EU, to try to prevent accidents. If a manufacturer has developed the technology for the EU, why not fit it to UK models?

Posted by
6869 posts

Providing information to the driver is fine and appreciated (at least by me), so long as the presentation of that information can be configured by the driver, to safely "de-clutter" what's presented by allowing the driver to choose what s/he believes is appropriate and most safe for the current situation (note: a lot of cars already inflict so much visual noise to drivers now, it can be dangerous).

So sure, give me the option of seeing what the car thinks is the current speed limit.

But once you take control of my car away from me, that's something else entirely.