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The coming European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS)

This looks like something new required for anyone entering a Schengen country, even less than 90 days, beginning January 1, 2024. It might be too early to apply for it, but has anyone done so already? If so, how long did it take to process?

Was about to book a cruise in Europe in 2024, but I don't want to until I know I'm approved.

Posted by
5861 posts

Wait for the official start date. Not the rumored start date. This thing has been "in the works" for years, so don't hold your breath just yet.

Posted by
8353 posts

Was about to book a cruise in Europe in 2024, but I don't want to until I know I'm approved.

Do not be concerned about approval. Systems like this are really to ease entry, with more security at the border. You are just submitting more information ahead of time, as opposed to answering questions from border control. Nobody is really concerned whether they will be turned away at the border now, so being denied under ETIAS would be rare (Think major criminal record).

Those traveling to the US from Europe (and other places) do a similar thing now, they submit their info to the US Govt., pay a fee, and get an approval in a short time (Minutes to hours), everything is pointing to the same, if this system ever gets up and running after being proposed some seven years ago and implementation repeatedly moved out.

Posted by
174 posts

Thank you everyone for your reply. I see now there's no official start date and since I have Global Entry issued from the U.S. I assume I won't ping any E.U. databases.

Posted by
10502 posts

The U.S. has been making Europeans do this for 15 years. Europe is simply establishing a reciprocal program.

And yes, the opening date keeps getting deferred. But at some point they are going to start requiring it.

Posted by
2725 posts

The EES (Entry - Exit - System) and ETIAS will have the added advantage that passports no longer will need stamping. That means that many nationalities (US, Australia etc...) will then be able to use the electronic passport gates at the airport.

Posted by
938 posts

Electronic gates are already used by US passport holders at LHR and CDG, before ETIAS.

Posted by
531 posts

I visited the website. I'm bummed that they will be doing away with passport stamps, even if it moves things along more quickly. I love something through my passport and seeing all the stamps of my travels!

Posted by
21418 posts

Electronic gates are already used by US passport holders at LHR and CDG before ETIAS.

And Amsterdam. There is a guy after the gate that does the stamping.

And the fun of passport stamps disappeared in most of Europe years ago when travel between Schengen got you no stamp and leaving Schengen got you an identical stamp no matter what country you left from.

Posted by
5861 posts

No more stamps? Yahoo! Now I can stop worrying that my passport pages will be full before the thing expires.

Posted by
5603 posts

It won't neccessarily be the end of passport stamps, I was able to use the e-gates in Mallorca a few weeks ago but still had to have my passport stamped by a very bored looking man on entry and exit.

Posted by
1068 posts

It won't neccessarily be the end of passport stamps, I was able to use the e-gates in Mallorca a few weeks ago but still had to have
my passport stamped by a very bored looking man on entry and exit.

You had your passport stamped because you are a third country citizen entering Schengen, put once the new system is in place, you will be required apply for a visa on line and your passport will be scanned on entry. The system will also contain details of both civil and criminal issues relating to you, such as unpaid tickets, out standing warrants, details of Schengen Area immigration infractions etc... The Schengen Borders will be more intensely controlled after this.

Posted by
5603 posts

You had your passport stamped because you are a third country citizen entering Schengen

Yes, I'm well aware of that.

once the new system is in place, you will be required apply for a visa on line and your passport will be scanned on entry. The system will also contain details of both civil and criminal issues relating to you, such as unpaid tickets, out standing warrants, details of Schengen Area immigration infractions etc..

Not when I enter with my Polish passport I won't.

Posted by
12240 posts

It is expected that the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) will be operational in 2024.

Note the lack of definitiveness in the statement from the official website.

At this point the odds makers have the implementation of ETIAS only slightly sooner than the arrival of the Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse.

Posted by
926 posts

“It’ll be a minor hassle, but it’s not unusual for countries to have entry requirements like this one,” said Cameron Hewitt, content and editorial director at Rick Steves’ Europe. “It certainly shouldn’t cause anyone to rethink a trip to Europe. From what we know, ETIAS looks like it’ll simply be a manageable bit of red tape.”

Going to Europe next year? You may have to pay a new entry fee [Washington Post]:

Posted by
21418 posts

It got slammed on an news show last night. Everything from invasive questions to using it to keep undesirables out for political reasons. None of it based in fact, just sensationalized journalism.

Posted by
16762 posts

you will be required apply for a visa on line

No you won't as it is not a visa. It is a travel authorization.

It got slammed on an news show last night. Everything from invasive questions to using it to keep undesirables out for political reasons. None of it based in fact, just sensationalized journalism.

Why do I get the feeling the fact that we already do the same thing to Europeans wasn't mentioned.

Posted by
21418 posts

Frank II, if it walks like a duck its a Visa.

They didn't mention that the US does it to Europeans,. But they did mention it would make sense for the US to do it since Europe is full of terrorists wanting to get to the US; and not the other way arround. I'm seirous, that was part of the report.

Posted by
1048 posts

The US version is titled "ESTA - Electronic System for Travel Authorization". It has been in effect since 08/01/2008, costs $21 and is good for a term of two years unless your passport changes. By changes I mean your passport term expires or it is passport lost or stolen and replaced with a new one. I see no problems with the EU enacting a similar version.

Posted by
21418 posts

I found the questions.... nothing odd. The one that might be problematic for some has to do with visiting war zones. I wonder if those with residency permits are exempt?

Oh, a correction for the OP.

This looks like something new required for anyone entering a Schengen

NO, not correct. This is a EU thing and even those EU countries not in Schengen are going to require it.

Posted by
1714 posts

@Webmaster; I read the article you linked to. At the very end of the article there are 2 links to websites where people can get more information. The first link is to an unofficial third party website that has no official affiliation with the ETIAS program. I’m surprised that RS is directing people to an unofficial website for more information.
There are already scam websites out there that sell false ETIAS. And once the ETIAS is officially up and running, more websites will pop up that let visitors apply for a ETIAS via their website, for an extra fee of course.

I’m not saying that the particular website the article links to is a scam website, but I am surprised that RS would recommend an unofficial website. I think it’s best to learn people to only use the official ETIAS website.

Posted by
687 posts

"Frank II, if it walks like a duck its a Visa."
- It is not a visa, and saying it is could cause confusion. Some people will still require visas for the EU (work visas, student visas etc). This is just a travel authorisation. As the web site says: "Starting from 2024, some 1.4 billion people from over 60 visa-exempt countries are required to have a travel authorisation". If you're visa exempt, you'll still be visa exempt.

"That means that many nationalities (US, Australia etc...) will then be able to use the electronic passport gates at the airport."
- As an Australian, I've been using egates in Europe for quite some time already...

Posted by
21418 posts

US already use the electronic gates ...

So, while a visa is an authorization to enter a country, this document is different because it is only an authorization to enter a country. Much like the difference between the Turkish EVisa and... well . .?

My reading of the rules is if you have a Visa for any reason or purpose you dont have to apply for this non-visa. Only people without visas need apply for the non-visa .... visa.

You know I'm just messing with you ..... but it's a visa.

Posted by
687 posts

The official EU statement very clearly differentiate between ETIAS and a visa, so it's not. But I take your point that it's an additional piece of admin required to travel.

Posted by
21418 posts

⬛ this object self identifies as a circle.

Again, do keep in mind that this is not a Schengen thing, its an EU thing and there is a difference. For instance Romania is EU but not Schengen so you can always duck into Romania to save on some Schengen 90 in 180 time; but the ETIAS non-visa will still be required.

Also, a few here have Visas, called Visas for other purposes and/or Residency Permits, not called Visas, and according to my read of the rules do not have to apply for the ETIAS non-visa ....ehhhh, sorry, "authorization".

Posted by
1231 posts

On the deeply important :-) Visa/Not a Visa discussion, found this on the US's ESTA website...

An approved travel authorization is not a visa. It does not meet the legal or regulatory requirements to serve in lieu of a United States visa when a visa is required under United States law. Individuals who possess a valid visa will still be able to travel to the United States on that visa for the purpose for which it was issued. Individuals traveling on valid visas are not required to apply for a travel authorization.

And this from the ETIAS FAQ's...

Is ETIAS travel authorisation equivalent to a residence permit or visa?

No. Having the travel authorisation only allows you to enter and remain on the territory of the European countries requiring ETIAS for a short-term stay.

Also, it does not give you the right to study long-term or to work in these countries. If you plan to stay in a European country requiring ETIAS for a longer period, you will most likely need a long-term visa.

Travellers with a valid visa do not need an ETIAS travel authorisation.

Posted by
21418 posts

According to every dictionary, it is what it is. What I find curious is what political force was in play that caused the US and the EU to redefine the the subject? For me thats facinating. Otherwise really dont care what they call their visa; especially since I will be exempt. 🥳

Posted by
15237 posts

As far I know, Europeans have had to get a visa coming to the US since the 1970s. Those French and Germans I met here then told me as much and what questions posed to them by the US consulate official before the visa was issued.

In 1984 I had to go the French Consulate in SF to get a visa for my summer trip to France, which was part of the Europe trip. I told this to an exchange professor from France about this, that the other countries in western Europe, eg. West Germany, did not impose a visa. She merely said, "you do it to us." With that I saw the stupidity of my comment. She was right.

Posted by
16762 posts

The real difference between a visa and an ETISD/ETAS is how it is processed.

A visa is reviewed by a person with a more detailed check. A ETIAS/ESTA will be completely computerized.

The ETIAS should replace landing cards and speed things up at passport control.

A visa can take anywhere from days to months to process. The ETIAS should be processed in a matter of hours.

Posted by
21418 posts

Frank II, the definiton of Visa is not dependent on the efficiency or rules of issuance adopeted by the entity issuing it. But for a comparative, the ETIAS is almost identical in process, detail, timing, etc to a Visa, called a Visa (EVisa actually) issued by Turkey. One of the questions is, have you been to a war zone. If you answer yes, I suspect you will end up getting checked by hand and having to wait. Again, of course, while I am correct, its a visa, I am just being a bit of a turd by pursuing this for so long. Doesnt matter what they call it, its no big inconvenience to get one and its cheaper than the US equivelent. Not sure why all the fuss over it other than people not knowing when it will start.

Posted by
16762 posts

Again, of course, while I am correct, its a visa, I am just being a bit of a turd by pursuing this for so long. Doesnt matter what they call it, its no big inconvenience to get one and its cheaper than the US equivelent. Not sure why all the fuss over it other than people not knowing when it will start.

I can tell you why this thread has not died down.....there are 23 responses and 7 are from you. (LOL)