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Text Message Security

I have been attempting to book some rooms in Italy and have received a few request that I text my credit card information. Does anyone know how secure this is?

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2876 posts

It might help you to remember that, in the highly unlikely event that your credit card number is stolen and used fraudulently, your maximum liability is limited to $50 by law. And some card issuers now offer zero liability. I wouldn't worry.

Posted by
2788 posts

I have sent my cc info to Europe several times by e-mail and always split it up into 3 e-mails which many folks here say if folly. I prefer to contact the place I am wanting to stay and give that information to someone (whose name I get) over the phone. Good luck and I will be in Italy in September.

Posted by
10361 posts

A text message? That's a new one! I have done it by email, and do what Charlie does. I only divide it into 2 messages though.

Posted by
32253 posts

Shelley, I've never heard of anyone asking for customers to send credit card information via text message, and the first question that comes to mind is who owns the Cellphone that the text message is being directed to? If the phone was ever lost or stolen, there would be a wealth of information there for thieves! However, as someone else mentioned your liability may be limited. In terms of "security", it would be very difficult for someone to intercept a text message (AFAIK). Is there a reason you couldn't send this information via E-mail, either in one or several parts? Happy travels!

Posted by
44 posts

Based on the fact that I have already emailed partial numbers a couple times and they reply without deleting the information in my message, I think my credit card number has been back and forth several times now. I dont think I will worry too much.
I just have heard about people getting their phone hacked and am not sure what that entails.

Posted by
9109 posts

"...In terms of "security", it would be very difficult for someone to intercept a text message (AFAIK)..." Not if you work for a British Tabloid;) Anything that travels through the airwaves can be intercepted, accounts can be hacked. In the end there is no 100% secure way to send CC info, which is why you're protected from fraudulent use.

Posted by
32253 posts

Michael, Thanks for the clarification on that. I haven't got a clue how that would be possible, but I suspect it would require some very specialized equipment. I thought the British tab's were only getting their information by accessing voice mail accounts? Cheers!

Posted by
23460 posts

This is a frequently discussed question. As far as the transmission of the cc number via email there is not a more secure method. More secure than either fax or telephone. The breakdown in security occurs once it is in the hands of the hotel. And that risk is the same whether they received it via telephone or email. Once someone enters it into a computer or writes it down on paper, whatever, the security is dependent on how the information is handle locally. So don't worry about emailing your cc number. And breaking into parts doesn't substantially improve security.

Posted by
1152 posts

One option is to use a virtual credit card number. This is basically a "one use" number that your credit card company creates. It can have a dollar limit and you can often set how long it will be good for. Some companies limit it to just be used one time. Some let you use it up to the dollar limit numerous times. Some let you increase the dollar limit. I've never tried to use it on an overseas purchase, but I have used ones from Discover (not so useful overseas) and ones from Bank of America when buying things over the Internet. One disadvantage: the virtual number doesn't match the one on your physical credit card.

Posted by
32253 posts

Shelley, "Now Im wondering where my text message went. . . . " That would be my concern if sending credit card numbers via text message! Entering one wrong digit in the destination phone number could have confidential information going to "undesirables".

Posted by
33209 posts

I've never seen a request for texting. Are these requests from various hotels (you say a few requests) or several requests from one place?

Posted by
23460 posts

From her other posting, I am sure she meant email and texting via cell phone. It is common to ask for cc info via email.

Posted by
44 posts

Yes Frank, you are correct. BTW, they didnt receive my CC info I sent with the text, so I sent one via email after all. Now Im wondering where my text message went. . . .
I think during this whole overseas booking process I need to just pay close attention to my accounts.

Posted by
1068 posts

I have not had a problem sending cc info via email. But i do use a special "travel card" and get email alerts anytime there is a charge over $25 on it (just in case it does get hacked.)