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Texas judge is a big fan of Rick Steves

Rick Steves posted this Youtube video on social media. He described it as "A Texas judge is bringing a little disorder to the court with his testimony in favor of a travel writer named Rick Steves." I thought is was cute! Only the first ~2-ish minutes is the relevant part.

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3530 posts

I enjoyed this. It reminded me of someone who once "mansplained" to me how he used the RS travel guides to plan HIS trips to Europe, as if they were something known only to insiders like him. I didn't have the heart to tell him that I had been reading them for years.

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8702 posts

Mary, that is cute! Most of the judges I practiced with loved to travel and we would talk travel constantly in the courtroom (not during trials, of course, but conferences, etc.). I love that this guy is praising Rick—so funny! Thanks for sharing!

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1440 posts

This judge is a bit of a star online. I've seen him before because he wears some odd outfits and is a bit of a character. You'll probably get a hundred clips of him in your Youtube recommended after watching one.

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7246 posts

Could be the blue suit and bowtie... but this judge seems determined to be a jerk with his unsolicited advice as well. The lawyer's trip plans - for the upcoming week! - are met with "no, no, no, no, no," - she should turn all her planning upside down, then use the few days ahead (time she said she does not have) to buy and study Rick's materials, just as the mighty and powerful Judge has done. She of course has a case to win and has to force a compliant giggle, agree on the wisdom of the judge's tips, and otherwise kiss his feet. I wouldn't really want this man's support if I were Rick.

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8702 posts

Oh c'mon, Russ. He obviously loves to travel and loves to share info on his favorite travel guru. There's nothing wrong with that; in fact, we all do that here. The woman looked like she was enjoying the travel conversation, so who are we to judge?

Posted by
1231 posts

Folks, let's not turn this political. Let's not be judgmental. Let's not be grinches. This was supposed to be lighthearted post.

Posted by
7246 posts

The juror looked like she was enjoying the travel conversation

Juror? I saw a lawyer getting "mansplained" (as E. Prophet put it) on how to re-arrange her impending daughter-mom trip (which isn't a "political" comment, just my little protest against bad behavior on the part of the person with ultimate courtroom power - the judge.)

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4838 posts

Mansplained? Judge is a jerk? Yikes! All I saw was spontaneous excited conversation about travel.

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8702 posts

Yes, Russ,my mistake - she was an attorney, not a juror, but Allan is also correct in that it was a fun conversation about travel. And as an attorney who has talked in court with many judges, I can tell you that these conversations are pretty standard. People like to talk about their hobbies. One judge I knew was a quilter and we would talk about sewing and quilt shops, and I never felt "womansplained" or "mansplained" by any of them.

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34631 posts

at least he doesn't hand out public defenders like candy

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3530 posts

To be clear, this Judge just triggered my memory of a far more pretentious individual who did the mansplaining.

Since I was a litigation paralegal, I watched the whole video and enjoyed it very much.

Posted by
901 posts

That was fun to watch, and I think the judge gave one piece of advice that was very useful, and I did not see him telling her to upend her entire trip as suggested! That one advice was to look for the audio tours of places you are going as they are enjoyable and make the sites more meaningful. I do find Rick's audio tours as useful travel tours, and I even listen to them before heading out on my trip to build more background information about the places I am going to (and on occasion they have led to adding a site or two of interest that was mentioned on the audio tour that I would not have considered otherwise). They are also a good way to keep kids' attention on visits.