It looks like a couple of messages have
that was using a space then ent-er and now to
try just repeats
of ent=er without spaces
and what about spaces and 2 hyphens are a minus inv-alid too? See -- see
It looks like a couple of messages have
that was using a space then ent-er and now to
try just repeats
of ent=er without spaces
and what about spaces and 2 hyphens are a minus inv-alid too? See -- see
OK guys, paragraphs are back. Don't use space then enter, just 2 enters and you get one. Space and enter means no paragraph.
Also, two or more hyphens still triggers the dreaded inv-alid although in the test message it got by..... see -- see?
Unfortunately, multiple spaces still just give one space. Anyway, its progress.....
And thanks to Webmaster!!!
test for paragraph
yes, paragraphs are back.
Thanks to Nigel for giving us the heads up.
I never thought I would be so happy to see proper formatting again!
I don't know, the "invalid" added some nifty quirkiness to the forum.
I'm testing too.
It will be nice to have paragraphs back - much more readable.
Thank you, Webmaster!!!!!
Thanks for the info, Nigel - the BBQ is on the way ;-)