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Temperature check, Europe

It is minus-13 degrees celsius (8.6 degrees F) here in Vienna with a few snow flakes falling. The Alte Donau (old danube) is frozen and there were people skating on it over the weekend. C'mon, Spring! How are temps by you? Stay warm!

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4637 posts

That's relatively warm. If you go to Europe prepare for worse especially the eastern part. Over three hundred people froze, most in Ukraine and Poland. In Sumava mountains in the C.R. there was minus 38 degrees Celsius. In northern Moravia (where my relatives live) minus 27. According to weather forecast this is supposed to last another week.

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12040 posts

I woke up this morning and the thermometer in my car read -18 ° C. The skies are clear, though, and there isn't a flake of snow to be found anywhere. We went skating on a lake up in the Odenwald this weekend, and the ice was at least 30 cm thick. There's even some ice forming on the Rhine.

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3050 posts

actually i haven't seen any weather reports that say it's even down to 3 here, the coldest i've been out in said it was 7 F the other night. which is still pretty freakin' cold to a native californian. but i think a lot of weather reports for stuttgart are done at the airport, which is up above the valley that stuttgart is in, and it's always colder outside of the valley. right now it's about 20 although the "feels like" temp reports 7. i wish we at least had snow to make up for the cold weather but it's dry. we had a little snowfall right before the cold snap, so now it's just crappy and iced-over. no fun at all.

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11644 posts

This thread reminds me of growing up in Minnesota where I walked uphill both to-and-from school in blizzards and -20F weather. :-) (I'm serious about the -20F, but it was only uphill one way.)

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33468 posts

ahh, balmy England. Just got back from a run around town after the big snow we had over the weekend. It has been -7C here at night but yesterday it reached +1. We had 14cm of snow at my house. Today the melt continues, +2 and +3 all day. We now have a bit of light rain so that should help. I'm still glad though that I didn't go for winter tyres this year. They don't help much until the temperature is regularly below +7. That hasn't happened except at night and just a few days. They are not required here like they are in Germany. I know Spring is coming though. I just drove down a road with hundreds of daffodils and crocuses coming up through the snow. And we are off to see Snowdrops later this week if the Russians stop sending us their weather. We're supposed to get the Gulf Stream (no not the trailer) from Florida. What gives? (Its OK James, actually I know what gives - but a brief moan is good for us.)

Posted by
517 posts

Got about 3 inches of snow last night. Driest, fluffiest snow that I have ever seen. You could brush it off the car with a feather. Very pretty. Temp: a balmy minus-10.

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893 posts

My boogers froze walking the kids to school this morning. The other mothers were reporting their car thermometers were saying -18C (0F) but that's without the wind chill. We've been lucky to hit freezing as the high periodically throughout the last week. Nothing above freezing expected this week either. Only one day with a dusting of dry snow flurries. It's been bone dry and really cold. The dog droppings that are famous on the sidewalks in France are seriously freeze-dried. Step on them and they crunch and crumble. So glad that groundhog only predicts for the US and that we're going to see Spring here soon in Europe. (Please, let me live with my delusion for a while)

Posted by
146 posts

Kind Folks, I would start getting used to this type of weather. All kinds of data coming in now on the breakage and interruption of the Gulf of Mexico Loop, and the Gulf Stream Conveyor. These are the currents of warm Gulf water that stream around the tip of Florida, head northward, up the eastern seaboard, toward the pole, that keeps all of europe warm, (and from being under 3 miles of ice.)
This year, it has snowed in the Sahara Desert, in Ahman, Jordon, in Bagdad, Iraq, in Saudi Arabia, and in Greece. Strange? Oh, and its 68 degrees here, (20C,) with a breeze out of the north at 4 mph. (6.4 kph).

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9145 posts

Still freeeeeezing but sunny here in Frankfurt. Ready for Spring any time now. Sick and tired of long johns and needign 30 min. just to put on all this winter gear even for a short walk to the store or the U-bahn. They keep promising snow, but so far, have only had about 2 cm. back in the middle of Dec. All of the ponds that dot our numerous parks are frozen and the kids are having fun ice-skating. Glad someone is having fun!

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3050 posts

Snowed in Stuttgart all day today, but it is extremely dry, light powder. Very slippery stuff. This was following a 10% forecast for snow, lol.

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12040 posts

We had a dusting of snow here in southern Hessen/northern Baden Württemberg, but nothing significant. It is still cold. Very cold. Speaking of cold... looks like the Elfstedentocht might happen this weekend in the Netherlands, for the first time since 1997.

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32322 posts

According to News reports this morning, some parts of eastern Europe and Russia have been getting down to about -39°C. That's FAR too cold for me! Here in the (sometimes) sunny Okanagan Valley, the "High" is forecasted at +2°C and the "Low" at -7°C. I'm sure the local Wineries will be happy, as it will help with the production of Ice Wine. There was a heavy Fog last night, so the trees and lawns are coated with a layer of ice. It's quite picturesque, but I'm ready for spring! Cheers!

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9145 posts

It started snowing here early this afternoon, and now it is just blowing all over the place. Part of the Main is freezing and big chunks are floating around. Took some nice photos of it at dusk this evening. There seemed to have been a big saurkraut accident from a truck, on the autobahn which then of course froze all over the road, causing massive chaos. I don't know why, but it makes me laugh.

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2 posts

It has been very sunny for January and February here in San Francisco! We are just now getting some light rain mixed with days of sunshine. I am visiting Europe next month from about March 7th-March 28th. I work for an airline so my dates are flexible. My friends are in Lund, Sweden and Nice, France. I studied abroad in Juan-Les-Pins (near Nice) a few years ago and remember March being very rainy and hit or miss with sunshine, and certainly not too many "beach weather" days. I'm really hoping to take a train from Nice up to Cinque Terre and then on to Rome. Anyone know the current weather conditions around there? I've tried looking at forums without too much luck. Is there anywhere that you think will be possibly be warm in Europe next month?? My friend in Sweden really wants a break from the cold and of course I love the beach :)

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10545 posts

It is 66 degrees F and sunny here today in Northern California, which is 18 degree C. We do need rain and mountain snow here though, so maybe a little moisture can be sent our way...

Posted by
3050 posts

man, people from my homeland bragging about the weather. called my in-laws in the LA yesterday, they were complaining because it was overcast and "cold" i.e. in the mid 60s. must be rough!

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5678 posts

When I moved from Wisconsin to NYC I knew the winter would be milder, but... There has been ONE snowstorm other than the freak one in October and temps have been in the 50's and as high as 60 F! Is there winter? Pam

Posted by
34 posts

Pam, Be careful what you wish for. I grew up in NYC (before I went to Madison for grad school) and I clearly remember a massive snow storm on my birthday one year.......that would be on April 29. Enjoy!

Posted by
791 posts

It's been so cold here the past week I've been freezing my cannolis off. The temperature in the car has been in the teens most mornings and we had snow flurries a couple days ago. We're headed to Venice for Carnivale on Saturday and the forecast is for wind and snow. Might have to rethink that one...

Posted by
1589 posts

I feel for you guys living in Europe and for those folks who may be vacation there at this time. This definitely doesn't look like fun. All the news of bone chilling cold and the deaths across Europe enforces the decision I made a few years ago not to travel to Europe in Winter. Thankfully, we haven't had to deal with extreme cold this winter though I did have to dig out of two and a half feet of snow last weekend.

Posted by
3696 posts

Michigan here... one of the warmest winters on record and literally no snow to speak of... cold this weekend, but it has been so unseasonably warm here... I am really happy with this kind of weather...and glad I am not in Europe right now.

Posted by
235 posts

Most of the US is in a heat wave while Europe freezes. We obviously don't get a lot of snow here, but we usually get some. This time, nada. Not even close. And March is only a couple weeks away. Pam, I can recall "white hurricanes" in New York and one year that we had 13 snowstorms. Yes, I counted. Consider yourself lucky.

Posted by
676 posts

It was -15 yesterday, and we got some snow in my town yesterday afternoon/evening. THe good new is my furnace is still working-was told it was so cold the oil is sluggish and then the furnace stops! anyway, now I have a portable heater in the basement to keep the oil warm? WTHeck???