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Taking Vicodin to Europe

Of course I am having an epic strained upper back muscle that's hitting a nerve and causing horrible pain in my arm, it's just now improving after 10 days and I leave Sunday for Paris; my doctor gave me a nice prescription for vicodin just in case. I usually put a couple in my travel pill container along with other OTC meds, but suddenly I fear being caught by TSA and imprisoned, or something equally dire.

Will I be ok if I transport in the original bottle along with the paper prescription in my 3-1-1 bag?

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2393 posts

It does not have to be in your 311 bag unless it is liquid. Just keep it in the original Rx bottle. I travel with syringes & testosterone (highly regulated) with no problems.

Posted by
487 posts

I took codeine in the original prescription bottle in it's own, separate 311 bag (prescriptions and other medical items do not count towards the quart bag). When we connected in Frankfurt one of the German TSA commented on it but did not overly question me or take it away.

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2787 posts

I have taken a prescription narcotic to Europe for 13 of the last 14 years and have never been questioned. I keep it in the original bottle that has the prescription on it and I also get a letter from my doctor just in case there is ever a problem. I just make sure that I have plenty of the pills that will last me until after I get home as I can not imagine getting that prescription refilled in Europe.

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23731 posts

All the TSA is looking for are guns, knifes, and water bottles. They do not care about your pills. Just carry the original bottle and you will be fine.

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5503 posts

Hydrocodone / Vicodin is categorised as a prohibited narcotic in France. It used to be the case that 30 days supply was permitted providing there was a supporting prescription but it may be wise to get this verified.

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12040 posts

As noted, TSA doesn't care about medications, unless they suspect you want to drug the pilots. The interested authorities are customs and immigration in France. Although hydrocodone is banned in France, they allow exceptions for a "reasonable" personal supply prescribed by a legitimate medical authority. What constitutes a "reasonable supply"? It should be proportional to the length of stay and prescribed frequency. For a 10 day trip, 30 tablets would be reasonable. 100 would not.

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2710 posts

Thank you all for the responses--I have 30 tablets to get me through a 2 week trip, and I will transport in the original bottle and bring the paper script just in case. My pain is improving, thank goodness, but I will be trying not to take any because, I'll be honest, I really enjoy having a glass of wine or beer with my meals. If it's confiscated I do have motrin with me.

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2466 posts

You can bring more than 30 days' supply with you - I wouldn't bring 100, but it probably wouldn't hurt to bring along a few more than you think you'll need, just in case. The agent will not count the pills. If you're on Vicodin, Motrin probably won't help you very much.
Nobody has every looked at my father's Rx or letters from his doctor. Nothing will be confiscated unless it is over the limit on liquid, pastes or powders.