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Survival whistles as pickpocket deterrents?

I was going hiking with a friend recently and she gave me a little yellow plastic whistle for animal shooing. It occurred to me--wouldn't that be a great deterrent for the gang-attack child pickpockets, the 'friendship bracelet' guys who won't back off, etc.? I'm planning a trip to Naples next spring and I think I'm inclined to pack one to try out.

Posted by
9110 posts

You're going to look really, really silly walking around with a yellow whistle in you mouf. It might make you look like a tourist. Personally, I'd go for a Clarabell horn.

Posted by
9109 posts

...and in future news:
"YouTube video of American tourist randomly blowing whistle in front of Europe's great landmarks goes viral" :)

Posted by
811 posts

that's pretty silly. thieves survive on tourists so as far as you make yourself a hard target you're ok. and, i don't think naples is that bad - i walked the street back in 2003 and yes it's different but also found some really warm people, really good stuff to see (wish i had more time for it), and didn't run into any gang-attack kids at all.

Posted by
1976 posts

You already have a built-in deterrent - your mouth. Two ladies and I went to Italy and in Rome we were approached by a group of gypsies who were going to try the throw-the-baby-at-us technique. One of my travel companions started yelling, "Go away! Go away!" to attract attention, and it worked. They backed off. Don't rely only on noise-making as a deterrent. Use a money belt and pay attention to your surroundings.

Posted by
9110 posts

'Use a money belt' Best idea for the use of one I ever heard.......use it to shoo the buttheads away.

Posted by
141 posts

I pack a gadget that has a survival whistle but that's the only part of the gadget I could do without. It has a temperature gauge (nice to know how hot/cold it is), compass (critical for the directionally impaired), mini flashlight (has come in handy I don't know how many times), magnifying glass (handy for reading the really tiny Metro maps), and a shiny thing that could qualify as a mirror - I don't use that either. I don't think the survival whistle will do anything for pickpockets or persistent peddlers but the rest of the stuff on the whistle may come in handy on your travels.

Posted by
9145 posts

I would file that idea away with the one that says to carry a fake wallet filled with newspaper clippings. Boy, won't they be mad when they find out they are fooled. Seriously, just wear a money belt.

Posted by
345 posts

Here's another vote for the Clarabell Horn!

Posted by
72 posts

I'd vote for that for the pickpockets, but agree that it might be a bit much for the annoying and pushy peddlers. Personally, around train stations, etc. I just try to blend in with the local crowd whenever possible, ie not look toooooooo touristy. Although I stand out (very white and freckled and 6'6") I find that if I seem to look like I know where I'm going when I am in or exiting a station (though usually I don't and just wait to check the map once out of the chaos) I don't get approached.

Posted by
12313 posts

Usually pickpockets try to distract their victims. You may be doing them a great service, while everyone around looks to see what's going on, they're getting their pockets picked. :)

Posted by
9110 posts

Youse guys really need to rethink the Clarabell idea. The horn was attached to a box on his gut. What was in the box? A SELTZER BOTTLE - - just the ticket to ward off the unwashed.

Posted by
1806 posts

As a city dweller used to lots of daily noise, I can only tell you my initial reaction to hearing you blowing on a loud whistle persistently would be one of the following: a) she's mentally ill; b) she's studying to become a traffic cop; c) maybe she's announcing the start of the Gay Pride Parade - but where are all the Drag Queens?; d) I must be having an Ecstasy Flashback again of that 24-hour rave from 1996!; e) Maybe Naples has Carnival just like Rio and I missed that in the guidebook.; f) oh look! That kooky broad with the whistle is getting whirled by those gypsy kids and in 12 more seconds they will have removed both the Rick Steves brand neck pouch she had tucked inside her bra holding all her money and her whistle!

Posted by
643 posts

Or do what Steve Martin recommends, when a mugger tries to rob you, throw up on your money.

Posted by
23550 posts

I doubt if there would be time to use the whistle unless you wear it around your neck on your wrist like a ref. Then you could get a stripped yellow shirt and pass for a local soccer ref. This is fun but nuts.

Posted by
9110 posts

It's like the young gal that was going to Paris a while back and was planning on taking a pocket knife for similar reasons. As I recall she wasn't even a graduate of MissMabel'sKnifeFightingSchoolForYoungLadies.

Posted by
977 posts

Mate, your whistle and wallet will be gone before you even know it!!!!

Posted by
345 posts

Ah, heck! Just bring a vuvuzella and be done with it. (Well, I guess you could do the seltser bottle thing after they collapse, just to add insult to injury.)

Posted by
2349 posts

How about a bullhorn? "Step away from me, now! I do not want a bracelet!" (JER, are you still speaking to us?)

Posted by
990 posts

Thanks for the words of advice. I do wear a money belt in pickpocket prone areas, though frankly I don't bother when I'm on business in Europe. (I know, I know, report me to Rick for heresy! If it helps, I don't wear shorts or baseball caps or white sneakers on business in Europe, either. Am I back in Rick's good graces?) My concern is not about sneak pickpockets but the more aggressive types that don't shy away from direct frontal attacks. I'm thinking my moneybelt might not necessarily be secure under those circumstances.
It's interesting to me that nobody here thought a whistle had any safety benefits. For what it's worth, a lot of women's self defense courses recommend them. In fact, some police departments even give them away to the public as safety devices. No word on whether they're planning to expand the giveaways to Clarabelle horns or seltzer bottles, though.

Posted by
8293 posts

Once in Prague I was walking in Wenceslas Square with a friend, who had a sore foot so we were walking slowly and our husbands were about 20 feet ahead of us. Suddenly we were surrounded by 5 guys, one on either side of us, two in front and one in back, and hands were trying to get into our purses. Without thinking about it, I began to shout, "Help! Police! Thieves! Help!" without stopping, and everyone within earshot stopped to look at me, the crazy lady. The 5 guys dispersed and melted away in the crowd. Our husbands walked with us thereafter.

Posted by
873 posts

I think in most cases, pickpockets operate quietly, so you might not even notice you've been robbed until it is all over. A whistle sounds mostly ineffective and entirely silly -- although I am looking forward to the YouTube video making rounds around the net already.

Posted by
441 posts

If I'm on a crowded subway with you, please don't blow your whistle! Seriously, that's the most likely place to be pickpocketed.

Posted by
1064 posts

Be sure to wear the whistle on a cord around your neck. That will enable you to fish it out after some thug shoves it down your throat.

Posted by
1976 posts

@JER - I took a women's self-defense class in which the instructors did not recommend that we rely on whistles or guns or anything except our own bodies. The reason for this is that any tool can be taken away from you (and used against you) but if you are trained in self-defense, your body is your weapon and cannot be used against you. Norma's story is very similar to my own story in Rome - pickpockets don't want any attention and yelling provides plenty of unwanted attention.

Posted by
26 posts

If a gypsy does the "throw-the-baby-at-you" trick, quickly move out of the way. Don't worry, gypsy kids are like cats -- they always land on their feet. If enough tourists do this, the thieves will get the hint and quit throwing their kids around. :) And instead of whistles, I'd get one of those compressed air-powered horns that people bring to football games. You'll be the talk of every town you visit. :)

Posted by
2193 posts

All bets are off when thieves start tossing children around...that's when you need to reach for your loaded 357. Vacation is alot safer when you're packin' heat. Don't get me wrong, I know for a fact crime happens to tourists, but I've never seen so many people worried about pickpockets or other foul things as I have seen on the Helpline. A little common sense and an ounce of street smarts is all most people need.

Posted by
989 posts

A whistle works great when you get phone calls from pervs in the middle of the night.