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Summer heat

Maybe I'm just getting old but I find myself in my mid-40s more sensitive to warm weather. My wife and I spent 10 days in Italy in late June last year and those temperatures were a real challenge ... I felt like the first tourist on the sun. July 2010 we're considering Vienna-Salzburg-Prague and I'm wondering if anyone can give me an idea of how it gets at that time of year in those locales and should I consider a different, more northern, location.

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875 posts

Of course trying to predict the weather is impossible. I can only tell you I was in Austria in July one year, and it was in the mid-80s in Vienna. When you travel in June-July-August that's just the chance you take. I go in very early spring to avoid it if possible.

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193 posts

What are you used to? Someone from Texas would probably tolerate the heat better than someone from Minnesota.

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1568 posts

We were in Austria and Czech Republic in June/July and found it nice and not too hot or humid.

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441 posts

I'm from Texas and I went to Ireland in mid-June. It was in the low 70s. When we flew back to Houston, the pilot said it was 101. I agree that it all depends on what you're used to!

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2758 posts

Hi, Brian. I hate hot weather too. It's hard to cover a lot of ground (and enjoy it) if you are sweating and panting.

If you are looking for somewhere cool to go in the summer, I recommend Ireland, Scotland, Sweden and Norway, and possibly England. I suppose you could hit a heat wave, but it's not likely. And all these countries have a lot going for them besides cool weather.

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875 posts

While I LOVE Texas, I detest hot weather and do not tolerate it well at all. I love vacationing in cool-cold weather and find smaller crowds in the "shoulder season". Even 80 degrees is too warm for me if I have to be out walking around in the sun from place to place. Most people handle the heat far better than I.

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810 posts

We were in Vienna in mid-July 2006 and it was pretty darn hot - I'm remembering above 30, so upper 80s. I spent some time in the basement of the Lippizaner museum because they had a great movie AND it was so nice and cool! So if you really want to be sure to be cool, you might prefer to be farther north.