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Suggestion that TRAVEL INSURANCE be a menu category topic option on the Travel Forum

This is a suggestion to the webmaster and Rick Steves Europe to add TRAVEL INSURANCE as a named category unto itself on the Menu Option category message board, perhaps under Tips and Trip Reports. Discussions about travel insurance seem to be within a few different category options and sometimes in the General Europe section. Yes, we can search insurance related keywords but this is a dynamic enough topic of discussion for travelers that it deserves its own specifically named category - Travel Insurance.

Thanks for allowing me to make this recommendation. Any other questions or comments on adding "insurance" to the category option menu? Please chime in!

Posted by
4183 posts

I agree that the questions about travel insurance are all over the various forums and that the interest in the topic seems to be significant enough to deserve its own category within the Tips and Trip Reports grouping of topics.

Recent postings have been concentrated on getting refunds, but prior to this year, there certainly have been lots of requests for advice, recommendations and general help specifically on travel insurance. A separate category for it would get my vote.

Posted by
16757 posts

Sally, I think making it a specific forum category is a really good idea! 💡

Posted by
338 posts

I agree that it is worth a category, especially now. The options have changed with the virus exclusions and we will be reading the fine print to see if there is medical, evacuation, or expense reimbursement coverage (if delays in returning home) available when we are allowed to travel again.

I was particularly surprised that at least one evacuation company announced early on that they would not evacuate any virus patients even if the yearly policy was purchased months before without exclusions.

Personally, the available of medical and evacuation insurance will be a major factor in deciding when I travel to Europe again. It would be very helpful to have informational postings in one category.

Posted by
3054 posts

Very good idea.
Suggest that you PM the webmaster directly with the suggestion rather than passively waiting for them to see it here.

Posted by
6713 posts

I think this is a good idea also. Even before the pandemic made insurance a hotter topic, there were a lot of posts about it, unrelated to any particular country. "Travel Tips" on this website has good general information but forum posters also have experiences to share and can sometimes answer specific questions.

Posted by
10425 posts

Hmmm I seem to be the only one who disagrees. I don’t really see how it could be useful.

Posted by
2909 posts

I'm with you, Kim. If this is going to have to become a topic, then it should wait in line behind a money topic. One thing about the Covid crisis, it has cut down on the constant questions of where to exchange money.

Posted by
328 posts

Sally, I think that it’s a great idea to have travel insurance be a menu topic category option in this forum.

Posted by
3603 posts

I think it's a great idea as well.
Thanks for suggesting it.

Posted by
2916 posts

I think that it's a good idea. While I'm not really interested in the subject, many people are.

Posted by
5697 posts

Might make it easier to direct new posters to the multiple prior posts in one topic area that may well answer their questions. That is, suggest the new poster read the questions and responses in that topic and then re-post only if their question wasn't sufficiently answered.

Posted by
4177 posts

Not a bad idea , but I think the scope would be limited . It might be a good plan to combine this with one or two other topics that frequently arise ( auto insurance , IDP's , and others ) much as there is a thread for books and movies , as an analogous example .

Posted by
1343 posts

I agree completely, while I’d love to see a website redesign and the elimination of many sub forums, I think one for travel insurance is a good idea.

Posted by
1038 posts

Thanks for the request. I agree that this could be a useful section. There is a lot of consideration that goes into adding a new section. One key piece is whether or not it will be viable. Sections that don't get enough action will die out and become a disservice to the topic. People who respond to questions stop checking in for new questions, and questions are rarely asked in sections that don't have other threads. As such, it's hard to get new sections moving with enough critical mass. In the face of that, it's far better to have a broad topic where questions get answers. With the pandemic drastically reducing interest in travel -- which has affected traffic to our forum -- now is not the best time to add new sections.

General Europe is a good place to add new questions about this topic. Or, if you want to track down older discussions, use our website's Search at the top of the page and be sure to use the Filters to isolate results to our forum discussions.

Posted by
22 posts

Thank you, Webmaster for entertaining the notion of adding Travel Insurance as a Travel Forum topic heading. I understand that there is a lot to consider in the design of the Forum and when considering any potential changes to the Travel Forum section structure. It does seem to me that the topic of Travel Insurance with all its spill over insurance related questions would generate much activity - now and in the post pandemic era. There could be a more easily accessed exchange of information if folks could zero-in on that topic. "General Europe" is an all purpose category with wide ranging focus, and that will have to do for now.

There are many sub topics that seem not as important (or viable), but I do realize that is my subjective opinion. Meanwhile, when it is time to make adjustments to the category structure of the Travel Forum, please consider this addition as perhaps a viable category.

Thanks to all who responded to this topic. I do appreciate having this information exchange Forum. It is an excellent and accessible resource for all of us, even those of us who are not social media savvy - me!