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Squeeze in Salzburg?

My husband and I will be traveling around Europe later this Spring. We orginally planned to travel from Prague to Salzburg, spend the night, then train to Venice the next day to continue our trip. We have found out that taking a bus between Prague and Salzburg is the easiest way, but it takes over 6 hours. We can't decide if it is worth making the stop in Salzburg for the night, or if we should just take a flight from Prague to Venice (skip Salzburg, and save all the travel time) and give ourselves an extra day in Italy. I have never been to Salzburg, but my husband was there about 15 years ago. Any suggestions?

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3 posts

Well, my husband was 13 when he was there, so his experience there was probably much different than an adult's would be. He was on a whirlwind tour with his family, so I don't think he remembers many specifics about it. We don't mind hopping around. It's what we always do in Europe, and this is just a small part of a 2 1/2 week trip that we'll be taking. But I really do wonder if we will have enough time to experience enough of the city in less than 24 hours.

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4637 posts

Tastes for sightseeing sites are very individual. Some people could tell you skip it, some would say, no, you have to see it. Your husband was there. Ask him.

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11294 posts

I think only you can answer the question. Many people will have a visceral "NO" response to your question, because it is a lot of extra traveling and a significant detour for just one day. Others would consider it worthwhile. I'll admit I'm in the "no" group, but that's partly because I haven't been to Salzburg but have been to Venice and Prague. I loved both of them, and wouldn't take time away from them for such a distant and time-consuming detour, just to have a day there. (You wouldn't even have a full day, either, so you'd be racing around to get just a taste, then have to leave). I also go to Europe 1-2 times a year, and so I know that I would get to see Salzburg on another trip. Your situation may be different. As Ilja said above, your husband has actually seen Salzburg. Does he think it's worth the detour?

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3696 posts

Christen...I am all for the 'taste of' trips as well as the 'lingering' trips. I have been to Salzburg about 5 or 6 times, and a few of those were is a small city and very compact and easy to get around in. I could see a ton of it in the amount of time you have. Sometimes the 6 hour trips can be used to catch up on sleep, write in your journal or just enjoy the countryside. I love Salzburg and if you take the time to go there... just make it 'worth it'!

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8358 posts

Hey, I love spending the afternoon in the beer garden with "The Brothers" at Augustiner Brewery. It's almost worth the detour on its own. And every person you run into is like a tour guide. They're a very accommodating community.

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1939 posts

We went into Salzburg for just a day and felt like we got a good taste of the city. It is very compact so in an afternoon you can see most of the old section. We loved Salzburg! I'd say do it, as long as you have ample time for Italy.

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10690 posts

I've been to Salzburg twice as day trips from Germany and some day I'd like to go back for more time in that area. You can see quite a bit in a day, so if you really want to do it and have the time, why not??

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3050 posts

As others have said, Salzburg is quite compact and you can see the city itself, plus the castle above, quite easily in 2/3rds of a day. You won't have time to venture to Bechtesgaden to see the very close and very stunning alpine scenery, or visit Salt Mines or the Eagle's Nest or any of that. I guess it just depends on how annoyed you'd be at a 6 hour bus ride (plus getting from Salzburg to Venice). My personal preference is that's a lot of overland travel for just one night, and I'd skip it for now.

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9371 posts

I lived in Salzburg as a college student a significant number of years ago. I agree that you should go! For one thing, if you have seen Sound of Music, much of it will look familiar to you. There are a number of things to see and do there, depending on your interests. Mozart was born there so you could tour his birthplace, hang out at Augustinerbrau (students called it "Auggie's"), window shop on the Getreidegasse in the old town, tour the fortress, etc. And I agree with whoever said that the travel time could actually be a nice break in your schedule.

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3 posts

I've been all over Europe and for me Prague was beautiful, but one of the most crowded cities I've ever been to. Everywhere, there were huge crowds, long lines and it's not a very friendly city. We were constantly having to check our change whenever we bought something because merchants, restaurants, servers etc were routinely trying to short change us and rely on foreigners unfamiliarity with the Czech currency. It's also notorious for their pickpockets. It's also the Las Vegas of Europe and there are hundreds of drunk/high European college students in town for the cheap beer, gambling etc. We ended up cutting our time short in Prague and going on to better places.
Salzburg on the other hand was much more genteel, clean and friendly. IMHO Salzburg is so much more fun. There is lots to see and do and it is an incredibly beautiful city. There is really too much to see there to squeeze in just one day. If you go, definitely take the Sound of Music tour. It's a little cheesy but really fun. You'll really enjoy the movie even more after you've been there. My suggestion: skip Prague and spend more time in Salzburg. But, as Rick has said, treat Europe as if you'll be back. Trying to do too much in one trip can be stressful too. Also, 6 hours on a bus (or anything) is a long time. It is largely to your own tastes but this is my two cents.

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12315 posts

Salzburg's beautiful center is compact enough to explore by foot. You can see a lot, if not everything in one good day of exploring. I've never done the SOM tours but think there is plenty to love in Salzburg even if that doesn't interest you. If you do want to do a SOM tour, plan an extra day for it - it can't be squeezed in with the rest of the cities sights in one day.