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Spain - how unsafe is it?


We will be in Spain (Barcelona, Seville, Ronda, Granada, Madrid, Toledo, Segovia) for 2 weeks in Sept. I am starting to feel a bit apprehensive as I have been seeing a lot of posts on the internet about the crimes against tourists in Spain i.e. broad daylight muggings, assaults. However, perhaps only people who have negative experiences are posting on the internet. We are not novice travellers, have been to 12 countries in Europe and have come home unscathed with only one unsuccessful pickpocketing attempt against my husband on the London tube. So we have been lucky so far. We are aware of all the usual scams, cons, etc., wear our money belts and have a Pacsafe, slashproof, daypack with a combination lock for good measure. I hate feeling like I have to be Fort Nox with two legs. We are in our early sixties but still in good shape. How comfortable/uncomfortable were you security/safety wise in Spain? Good/bad experience?

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694 posts

Hi Mary, i can only speak about Barcelona, since it is the only place i have been on your itinerary. In Barcelona, we walked around a lot, daytime and nighttime , we took the metro at night, i felt comfortable and secure pretty much all the time. Las Ramblas as lots of pickpockets and scams, but aside from that Barcelona is wonderful, enjoy!

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2776 posts

Hmm... my 70 plus year old mother and I just returned from Spain and Portugal in May. We were in Madrid and Seville. We did not have the Pacsafe bags. (Personally, I don't want get the purpose of that) My mother even had a purse that drove me crazy as it's pretty "open"

And we came home without any issues. I saw no evidence of crime etc...

I do wear my passport and debit card in a money belt. But that's more because I don't want to waste a day of vacation dealing with the after effects if I lose them for some reason then 'fear'

The internet is not what one would call a "represenative" population. Remember that, folks generally post only when they aren't happy and "sensationalism" of their story often occurs..

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269 posts

Spain is no more safe or unsafe than any other country. I actually felt more safe in most places I visited there than just about anywhere else in Europe. We have never had or even seen any problems while we visited. That being said, pickpocketing is pretty rampant in Barcelona, so just keep an eye on your stuff. Enjoy your trip ... Spain is a magical country.

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2297 posts

I wouldn't worry about violent crime against a person, that is a rare exception in Europe incl. Spain. Petty theft is another story in touristy areas and you seem well protected for that.

My own experience in Barcelona was not that great, in part because we weren't taking propper precautions. Parked our car in a side street to go walking and when we came back 2 hours later its windows were slashed and all our camping gear was gone. We should have parked on a secured parking lot!

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23557 posts

We were in southern Spain (Seville, Granada, etc.) over New Years. Didn't noticed or feel any different than any other trip to Europe. Going back in September. Your concerns don't even make my list of things to worry about on our next trip.

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124 posts

I went on the RS Spain/Portugal tour in July which began in Barcelona, on to Madrid, Toledo, Granada, Ronda, Seville and Lisbon, I traveled to Paris on my own after the tour ended. I wore the RS Hidden Pocket which held my passport, ATM card and credit cards and carried the Pacsafe Pouch-safe - sort of wallet on a strap across my body as well as carrying a Longchamps Pliage tote bag for tour books and water bottle. If anyone had tried to grab it, they wouldn't have gotten much.

I was very nervous when I arrived on my own in Barcelona after hearing of all the crimes against tourists, especially in the La Rambla area. I didn't have any problem at all, I was very aware at all times, keeping my hand on my bag. In all the other places, I didn't experience anything either. I did see a police presence in the busier areas of the cities so I felt safer.

However, one man on our tour (a big guy from Texas) did have his passport and small camera in his shorts pocket and he had those stolen...which created some extra work for our guide and him to go to the police to file a report, go to the embassy to start the replacement process and for him to return to Barcelona after the tour ended to pick up the replacement passport. Fortunately his flight home was from BCN, otherwise he may have had to make some expensive changes to his travel plans.

I know there are people who say that they never wear money belts, they carry backpacks with all their important items inside and they have never had any problems - they are very fortunate. I have also been on RS tours where people have been pickpocketed...usually on the Metros, but sometimes on the street - not victims of violent crime but still had a large amount of money or their cameras taken.

You don't need to be paranoid or fearful, just be aware. With the declining economies around the world, thieves are taking advantage of careless tourists. Enjoy your visit to Spain - I can't wait to return after my brief taste.

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586 posts

Ciao, Mary! We spent a week in Spain, for New Year's, last winter...and felt perfectly safe in Barcelona, Madrid, and Sevilla. Provided one takes the appropriate precautions that would make sense ANYWHERE (i.e., wear a moneybelt, travel lightly, follow your own instinct, and when you feel uncomfortable somewhere, get out of there, don't wear flashy, expensive jewelry, and don't meet strangers anywhere but in public), you should relax and have fun in Espana! What an amazing, interesting place, rich with history and full of unique (very unique) cultural traits. Even the ETA, while seemingly active, again, has the decency to call ahead before an attack to give time to clear public places, recognizing that random violence hurts its separatist cause. I felt as safe in Spain as I do in Chicago! (any irony there is unintended). For my full report on our trip to Spain, visit

For some perspective, consider this: we just got back from England, and in the countryside, we felt as safe as if we were in Mayberry, USA...but our friend had her wallet stolen on the train. That can--and does--happen anywhere.

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2193 posts

It sounds like you’ve been around the block a few times in Europe, so just use the same personal security measures you’ve employed on past trips coupled with a good measure of common sense. You can check the State Department’s website for updated information regarding security, crime, safety, etc., but I don’t believe you’ll find anything unusual or too troubling. I think you’re not too far from Charlotte, NC…talk about a crime-ridden city. I’ve spent some time there on business, and I know I would feel much, much safer walking around the tourist areas of Madrid at night than anywhere in Charlotte. Unless you do something goofy, such as hanging out north of Gran Via late at night, you’ll be fine. I’ll be in Spain this fall, and I’ll prepare as I always do…nothing unique just for Spain. Have a wonderful trip!

Gio: I always feel safe in that town.

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435 posts

We always wear money belts and are very street smart, but still I would say the pick pockets are extremely agile in Spain. I caught a woman unzipping the back pocket of my husband backpack in Madrid. Since we were wearing money belts, there was nothing of value to steal.

We saw no evidence of violent crime. I think you will have a great trip in this beautiful country as long as you wear a money belt and don't leave your belongings unattended.

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2533 posts

Thanks everyone for your input. I guess I need to stop reading the scary stories. It seems that as long as we are conscious that these things can happen, do our best to avoid them and use good common sense we should be fine.

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964 posts

Hi Mary, I read your last comment and I agree. I think, like you say, people only post bad experiences, so it's easy to get a negative view. I've been to Spain many, many times, different regions, and it's always been fine. The people are usually very nice. Have a great trip!

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167 posts

Most places are safe and most places are unsafe.

The variable is YOU. Just exercise wisdom to improve your chances of safety.

Some tips:

1) Stay in areas where there are other people in view.

2) Never let suspect persons even get close to you... back away from them... yell... or run. This works for me in big cities.

3) I use Pacsafe stuff for piece of mind.


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187 posts

My wife and I spent spent 3 weeks driving through Spain entering at San Sebastian over to Madrid down to Sevilla, Cordoba and Granada then heading north and finishing in Barcelona before heading back to Paris. We never encountered any problems (except for the flat tire scam in Valencia) while walking in any of the cities that we visited. As others have said, take the usual precautions that you would in any city in the world and you will be alright. We had a great time and can't wait to go back again!