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Spain ATM's

Does anyone know approximately the allowed daily withdrawl of Euros from Spain's ATM's? I'm trying to determine if I need to order some Euros before I leave so I have enough to cover payment for hotels and everything else. I know when we were in Italy several years ago some ATM's were limited to 300 Euro and some allowed more.

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23550 posts

The situation is the same in Spain. Limits on single withdraws is always a local decision. I have taken out as much as 500E in Spain with no problems. We generally use ATMs attached to banks during open hours and rarely encounter any limits. And you always make multi withdraws until your hit your limit.

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1178 posts

Mine seems to have a 300 euro withdrawl limit on my debit card....but can still use it to purchase anything that might be needed. Often use the card when paying for the rooms. Sometimes one bank atm will not work, but others work fine. Something to keep in mind.

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133 posts

We didn't find out what the Spanish ATMs might allow but it evidently was more than the $500 USD per day allowed by my bank. There were ATMs everywhere so if you get one with a low limit you can walk over to use the next machine. Do check with your bank to see what daily limit they might have, and whether than can increase it for the duration of your travels. We used the credit card to pay for the larger expenses such as hotels and the occasional white-tablecloth meal. While you may have to pay a "foreign transaction fee" (our card charges 3%) buying euros stateside will probably cost you more than that, and you won't have to carry a large wad of cash. ETA my bank told me of another option which we did not need to use: if your ATM card is also a debit card you can use the Point of Sale function to get cash. They said that you need to do this with a teller in a bank and that you can get a much larger amount, I believe it was up to $2K worth of euros. The Spanish bank might charge a fee for this transaction. Just something to keep in mind.

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2535 posts

Am unaware of a daily limit in Spain and never hit it when traveling there nor anywhere else in Europe. As noted, you may visit more than one ATM machine to gain necessary funds. Using ATMs attached to a bank during open hours is a good idea. ATM daily withdrawal limit with Schwab is $1,000 and can be raised significantly with advance notice.

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2876 posts

If your experience is like ours, in Spain you'll run into some ATM's that ask you if you want your home account to be charged in dollars or euros. It's a little counterintuitive, but if you encounter this you should choose euros. Then your exchange rate will be determined by your home interbank system, rather than by the Spanish bank that owns the ATM. Same advice holds if you use your card at a hotel, restaurant, or merchant, and they ask if you want to be charged in dollars or euros. Always pick the local currency. If you want to read more on this topic, just google "dynamic currency conversion."

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344 posts

I think the issuing bank (ie your home bank or your network) is the one that issues the maximum amount of cash to be taken out-as a protection agains stolen ATM cards. Check with your home bank; they will tell you your limit. If that is a problem, open another account with them and then you can take out the daily maximum from each account using 2 separate ATM cards. :) SuzieeQQ

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12313 posts

Your bank sets your daily limit, the most you can withdraw in one day. The average seems to be $500 dollars or about 350 euros. I haven't run into it but have heard that some ATM's also have a transaction limit, the most you can withdraw from that machine at one time. It's determined locally by the owner of the machine.