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Solo trip 1 week, March/April 2024: Hungary, Ireland, or London?

I'm a teacher trying to plan my spring break after my previous plans went awry.

I plan on taking a backpack and personal item - am used to Pacific Northwest weather so it is not a major factor.

Why Hungary or Ireland? My great-grandparents were immigrants from those two places. London? I turned down a job at Lloyd's of London in the late 1980s and would like to check it out 35 years later lol.

I like slow travel - walking around soaking up the surroundings & atmosphere, people watching, food, and drink.

Cool architecture, science and botanical stuff, a cathedral or two, a museum or two, and interesting history are my interests. I enjoy HOHO buses, and would love to take a guided tour that includes history (macabre is good), food, and drink.

I'm trying to keep my budget at around $300/day excluding transportation, but including lodging.

Looking forward to your help. Thanks!


Posted by
28450 posts

The HO/HO buses in London aren't recommended because of severe traffic congestion. I don't know about Dublin and Budapest. I'm a fan of walking, and Budapest's beautiful architecture makes walking especially attractive there.

I've never been to Ireland, but I think a week would be a very short trip to Hungary. Not bad if you think of it as a trip to Budapest with one day trip. Budapest is especially rich in sites related to 20th-century history. My problem is that I really liked seeing Pecs, Kecskemet and Szeged, and I wouldn't recommend that much travel on a one-week visit.

The travel time to Hungary (at least one connection required) would probably be longer than to London or Ireland, and the flights would likely be more expensive. But hotels and good food would be a lot cheaper than in London and Dublin. I don't know about costs elsewhere in Ireland.

You might take a look at hotel rates on if there's a big spring-break bump, hotel costs in London and Dublin might put some serious pressure on your budget. I've used the Vincent House in London as a less-expensive option on solo trips there outside of air-conditionjng season; VH doesn't have a/c.

A plus for London is the huge slate of £15 walking tours offered by LondonWalks. The company's guides are licensed, and there are tours on a large variety of topics--some are historical, some are neighborhood-focused. The other positive for London is the extremely large number of large museums that are free/donation-requested. There are some quite expensive sights, including Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London, The Churchill War Rooms and St. Paul's Cathedral, but you could easily spend a week just in the free/donation museums like the British Museum, Imperial War Museum, Victoria and Alnert Museum (decorative art), National Gallery and Tate Modern. (Those are just some of the options without admission fees.)

Posted by
1087 posts

I haven't been to Hungary, but I've been to Ireland twice, and not only loved it, but loved the IRISH!! Had lots of chats, seemed like people had time to chat, which I like.

I like slow travel - walking around soaking up the surroundings & atmosphere, people watching, food, and drink.

I was surprised by just how GOOD the food was in Ireland, rich & creamy in most cases, & lots of seafood in Galway and the 'west country'. I'm sure there will be just as many people suggesting Hungary.... I don't think you can go wrong with either choice!

Posted by
8460 posts

I have been to Ireland several times and Hungary once.

Ireland isn't the most expensive country in Europe for goods and service, Switzerland and Norway top the list.
However, Ireland is more expensive than Hungary.

If you go to Ireland, you need to explore the countryside, consider taking a tour or renting a car. Dublin and Belfast are great, but see the Southern and Western parts of Ireland like the Ring of Kerry and Blarney Castle.

If you go to Hungary, consider visiting Vienna as well, it is not real far away.

Posted by
180 posts

Personal experience last month- you can get everything you are looking for in Ireland for that budget if you don't spend much time in Dublin.

Posted by
8376 posts

Hi, Marci, I am planning a solo trip to London in 2024 for 5 weeks starting mid-March and continuing through April (well, I start in London, but will travel to other parts of England as well). I love the city - it's probably my favorite city in the world, and so I always think it's worth a visit.

If you do stay, I would advise you to book your accommodations early if possible. Premier Inns are always a good bet. You can find rooms there at that time of year for around £125 or possible even less depending on the location. They're nice places, too - clean and comfortable. Breakfast is not included but is very reasonably priced. And as someone mentioned above, London Walks are fantastic. I went on my first London Walk back in 1996 when I first came to London and they are still going strong.

BTW, if you do come to London in March or April, PM me. I always like to meet up with people if possible, especially another solo traveler!

Posted by
36 posts

Thank you for all of your suggestions. I decided to go to Budapest for the week. The people I know who have been there all recommend it for a solo trip. Maybe I'll find a relative or two?

I will be posting in the Hungary forum for more info.

I think London will wait til my mother can join me - she is my normal travel buddy (and a Harry Potter and Beatles fan.) The London walks sound amazing.

Again, thanks a bunch!


Posted by
4973 posts

Good,choice! I like all these places, but wouldn’t choose Ireland for March. And London would most likely be more expensive than Budapest. acraven is right, though - with a week, just think of it as a trip to Budapest. Lol! You could squeeze in a day out somewhere, but you won’t need to.

Posted by
4673 posts

We went to London on my spring break years ago and I think London would be the best use of your time. You will want to take the boat from Westminster Pier to Kew Gardens. Take a look at the tours offered by London Walks. I think you could do Salisbury as a day trip by train from London to see that cathedral. York to see the Minster could also be a day trip by train. A quicker trip by train would be Cambridge to see Kings College Chapel.

I have not stayed there, but people on this forum recommend Premier Inns for somewhat budget lodging.

Posted by
36 posts

Just to update: spring break 2024 - solo to Budapest.

My mother read through your responses and declared that I'm taking her to London for spring break 2025, lol.

Thank you for all your help! RS forums are the best.
