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Solo Europe Travel - Young Woman

Hey everyone,
I'm only going to be 22 this summer, and I've been reading lots of posts from women slightly/much older than me about traveling alone through Europe, and I was wondering if anyone traveled alone as a college grad or early 20 something / any safety concerns.

I studied abroad two summers ago and planned a lot of my individual side trips and was very comfortable walking around Torino, Italy by myself, and I know I could deal with planning trips and exploring solo, but my only concern is safety. I'd appreciate any tips! Thanks!

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16057 posts

Here's an article Rick wrote on women traveling alone:

Solo travel for women

Then if you go to the top of this page you'll see a link to the "Graffit Wall." There you'll find people's suggestions and tips under such headlines as "Solo Travel" and "Women Travelers" as well as much more. Make sure you read the section "Tourist Scam Alerts."

Oh, and BTW......Go Gators!!!!

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286 posts

My best advice is to trust your instincts. Make friends but remember that ultimately you will be the only one responsible for you so make decisions wisely.

Other than that, go and have a great time!

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2349 posts

Work with your strengths and weaknesses. If you can have a drink or two and let it stop there, fine. But if you have one drink and it turns into a blotto night, then avoid that first drink. If you're a big flirt, tone it down. Look out for predators.

But don't be too scared. A lot of cities will have walking tours at night, and that's a good way to get out without being alone. You've done this before-go do it again.

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5792 posts


It has been a while since I was in my 20s (it was the 80s and 90s). I traveled solo on multiple trips during that time and continue to travel independently. Some of the places I visited solo in my 20s included Greece, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, Scandinavia, UK, and the Netherlands.

In my 20s, I stayed mostly in youth hostels or places that I found in Let's Go book. One of the nice thing about youth hostels is that you meet other travelers who are on a budget and so you often find people to eat meals with or go sightseeing. On a number of occasions, I met other young travellers and ended up travelling with them for a couple of days before we split up and went our separate ways. For example, I spent a couple of days in Germany with an Australian brother and sister. I shared a room in Flam, Norway with a young woman whom I met in the Oslo youth hostel after we arrived in Flam only to find the youth hostel fully booked. I had dinner with a woman from the UK in Copenhagen following a tour; two weeks later, I ran into her in Stockholm and we went to dinner again. In Baden-Baden, I went to the baths with the 3 girls I was sharing a room with at the hostel and we then travelled together the next 3 days. While it has been awhile, I am sure that there are still many young solo travellers.

I still frequently travel on my own and in general find Europe to be quite safe. I particularly enjoy taking walking tours in cities that I visit. Also, don't be afraid to go have a meal by yourself or get a class of wine at a cafe. It helps to be a little bit outgoing when you are travelling on your own. Ask fellow travellers for advice when you meet them. You will find that you meet wonderful people from all over the world.

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590 posts

I traveled to Europe for my first time when I was 22. Went for 6 weeks, used the Let's Go guidebook (it was my bible), stayed in hostels, and met so many people. I still travel solo (34 now) and still stay in hostels (well mostly!) and I see so many younger women traveling solo. Hostels are such friendly atmospheres and it's nice to stay at the ones that have a bar on it's premises. That way you can go for drinks with others and not have to worry about walking on the streets after dark.

Use common sense and you will be fine. Make sure you don't leave your bags unattended, and stay at hostels that advertise lockers. Unfortunatley backpackers have been known to steal off one another.

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32324 posts


You might want to have a look at a copy of Europe Through The Back Door (you might be able to find a copy in your local Library). There's some good information there on issues that might arise for women travelling alone.

Your question has been raised several times here on the HelpLine. You might send a note to Kent for tips on how to find the previous posts (I can never remember the search procedure).

There's no reason you shouldn't be able to travel solo, with adequate preparation.

Happy travels!