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Sofia to Thessaloniki Train

I am due to take this train on July 28th. There was a bus transfer at the border from 2017. Looking for someone who has actually taken that train this season to tell me if the bus is still being used or does the train go thru now.

Note: I have read everything online from many sources and it seems vague as most of the information is a year old or more. Looking for some actual experience with this train. Thanks in advance.

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2484 posts

From personal experience, I'm afraid that even recent reports won't be of much help since things outside the core web of Greek Railways can change on a almost daily basis. I'd call the number provided by the greek version of the Trainose website a fews days before travelling (210 5298906 9:00-17:00 Eastern Europe time; alternativly try the number of the Saloniki station service: 2310 599 041). That web site still says that until further notice there is a substitute bus operating between Strimonas and Kulata *).

*) Μέχρι νεωτέρας, το τμήμα της γραμμής μεταξύ Στρυμόνα – Κούλατα -Στρυμόνα θα πραγματοποιείται με λεωφορεία.

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546 posts

Thanks to both of you for your replies. I have been to both rail line web sites but was hoping the situation has changed. The bus unfortunately is not an option as I am traveling with my dog. I will just have to tough it out and see what happens at the border. Hopefully the short 20 minute bus transfer won't be a problem with my pooch.
Thanks again