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so long

I first joined the forum a few years back as a novice traveler and the advice I got helped make my travels much more interesting and smoother. I found that I was also learning a lot just by reading other questions and seeing the responses. Hearing about others trips and discoveries is fun and has also given me some good ideas. As I logged a few trips of my own I tried to return the favor by answering questions regarding places I've been. The forum has an addictive pull and I've probably spent more time than I should reading and responding! I also take part in some other forums, and a common expectation is that before posting you've made at least a nominal effort to look for an answer. As one forum puts it All questions are answered by volunteers. Before you report a problem, be sure that you've read the FAQ, the unofficial FAQ, searched the forums, and searched the internet. You might find the answer is readily available - searching first gets you the answer faster and keeps the forums less cluttered. If you haven't taken the effort to look for a solution yourself (however briefly), why should we make the effort to help you? Now let me be clear to acknowledge this isn't my forum; Rick writes the checks and he and his staff can set any rules they want. A pair of posts I recently wrote ended up getting me on probation. Actually, I'm not; I'm thru. Like I said, its Ricks baby and he can use any rules for posts he cares to. And I can decide what forums I want to take part in. So I think we've come to a mutual decision. Thanks again for all the help people have given me in the past, and like Rick says, Keep on Traveling!

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33477 posts

Mike That's a sad thing. I'll be sorry to see you go, and I hope that the addiction (finally there's a good one) pulls you back. We're a pretty small gang here and everybody is valuable and welcome. I have not been one to hide my displeasure that new posters don't make even a minimal effort sometimes towards self help. I have the greatest respect for those few who answer the same question over and over - its just not me. I guess I'll get in trouble some day for giving a short, pithy answer when my guard is down. What I'm trying to (clumsily) say is, please take a step back, then come back. Happy trails

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331 posts

I agree with Nigel, and it is a shame when someone feels vicitimised. There are some on this forum who think that it is their job to teach the rest of us how to behave - attacks usually begin with the words 'I realise that you are a newcomer and don't yet know how things work on this forum'. The unfortunate thing about the written word is that it is there for all to disect even if your post was written in all innocence and with the intention to help. If someone is determined to find fault they will. I have private messages from people who have made the decision to no longer post on this site because they did not like the way this minority had attacked me. Fortunately it is not the majority who feel threatened by differing opinions but only a handful. Don't let them get you down, how boring it would be if we all got everything right all of the time and didn't give others the opportunity to be sanctimonious (and if this gets me struck off so be it)

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689 posts

That happens on all message boards. "Where should I eat in New York City?" "What skis should I buy?" "What should I do in Mexico?" "What kind of dog is best?" "What kind of tree should I plant in my yard?"Even those with FAQs and good search functions get lazy people. I roll my eyes but ignore.

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23550 posts

I don't think Mike feels "victimized." That is not what I take away from his comments.

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1717 posts

Mike : Thanks for your farewell address. I guess you will feel tempted to look at this Traveller's Helpline (perhaps once every two weeks), because of the possibility that you will here see a discussion thread that may be informative or helpful or entertaining to you. A person could do that, and not post any reply.
I guess that some people who posted hundreds, or more than a thousand, replies at the Traveller's helpline, and they stopped posting replies, continued doing some selective reading of questions and replies at the traveller's helpline. I think the Traveller's Helpline at is unique and special and wonderful. It is Rick Steves' gift to all who can read the English language, and are interested in travel to Europe and/or the British and/or Irish islands.

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2535 posts

Thanks Mike for expressing the value of the Travelers Helpline when you were a novice traveler and offering advice to others as you gained travel experience. While it may be frustrating to some of us that folks fail to use the less than easy advanced search function to find answers to sometimes easy questions, just simply skip those posts and head to the more interesting questions.