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Small wheeled carryon tote or backpack suggestions?

I finally have a suitcase I'm happy with -- a Heys Fuse 2 22" that is lightweight, well thought out and actually very roomy. What I need now, though, is the perfect carryon tote-type bag to go along with it. I've finally decided I need something that: 1)has wheels; 2) has some roomy outside pockets so I don't have to dig inside for everything; 3)can slide onto the handles of my suitcase; 4) preferable priced under $100-125. Lightweight would be nice, too, but with wheels I'm not so concerned. Last year I took a backpack with lots of outside pockets to Europe as my carryon and loved it other than the fact I didn't really use it as a backpack....and I finally decided I'd be happier with wheels. The closest I've seen are wheeled backpacks because of the multiple outside pockets, but I'm middle aged and don't want to look like a student.
;-) I would love to know about any carryons/totes/backpacks other travelers have used and would recommend.

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3428 posts

I'm a bit confussed. Are you wanting a day bag? Or another bag to use as a "suitcase" - carryon size? For a day bag, I don't suggest wheels. In fact I prefer not to waste weight on wheels at all, but that is just me. I do like organized bags. I have a small messenger bag made by baggallini. It has lots of pockets and mesh sections. Makes a great day bag or overnight bag. I also have a "tote" that is really a sling bag- looks a bit like a 1/2 backpack. lots of good pockets and very spacious. Either can pass as a purse, too.

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12 posts

Look at the LLBean webside, they have small under the seat bags with wheels, which can fit on top of larger luggage. Also, try ebags site, there is a huge ion of bags that may suit you.
I personally used 16 inch under the seat bag from LLBean, it had wheels, and it was my main bag during my last 2 weeks trip to Europe. I had Baggallini Town Bag, as my day bag which can sit on top of the LLBean bag for easy rolling. I loved Baggallini day bag- very roomy, you can even fit a computer there, had pockets, waterproof, and looked nice.

Posted by
2 posts

Thanks - I haven't checked the LL Bean site and will go take a look. I know I wasn't very clear about what I'm looking for - overthinking as usual. This would be a bag with my personal items, plus netbook, etc. to have in the airport, on the plane, and for easy access in hotels and rental car. Not my main suitcase and not a daybag for sightseeing. I've not had one with wheels before but my back is starting to tire easily after carrying a shoulder bag, so I'm looking for something new. Thanks for your replies.

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712 posts

If you have a TJ MAXX store near you go over and check out their selection. After spending money at a regular store last year, I was in TJ Maxx and discovered a good selection at lower prices.

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6788 posts

With all due respect, I see many red flags here that suggest to me that you might want to take a long, hard look at how much stuff (and which stuff) you're bringing along. I see this is your first post here, so maybe you are not familiar with the whole 'travel light' thing. If none of this applies to you, great, but somebody's going to say this (or should) so here goes... Red flags include "suitcase" - are you really traveling with a big, rectangular, hard-sided case with a handle on the end? Then you seem to be looking for second bag to bring along in addition to that - a bag that (if I get your description) appears to be what most of us take as our onlybag. And this is not a daybag - does that mean you will have a third bag for that? You say "my back is starting to tire easily after carrying a shoulder bag" - maybe there's too much heavy stuff in that bag. Now, everyone's needs and style is different, but there's no denying that it's very easy to bring way too much stuff, and that can have a huge impact on your trip (it can ruin it, and limit you so you miss the best stuff). Only you can decide how much is enough, but most folks on this site try to stick to Rick's minimalist packing suggestions: one carry-on size bag - and that's it. If you're not familiar with this philosophy (and even if you are), you might want to take a good look at the Packing Tips section on this website (linked above) and take it to heart. You might also want to check out the website (a great resource for packing). Hope some of that's helpful.

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16053 posts

If you go to a site like and put in the words "Wheeled Tote" in the search box, you'll get plenty of suggestions. Since very few people on this board travel with something like that, I doubt you'll get many exact recommendations. My suggestion would be to try the boards over at and You'll probably find more people over there traveling similar to you. They may be able to give you exact recommendations.

Posted by
10545 posts

Confession time...I have a wheeled tote. I bought it years ago, before my first trip to Europe. I bought a 22" wheeled carry on with the wheeled tote that slips over the handle, and carried them both on. Here is the reality, I have not used it since that trip. It weighed too much with the wheels. I had to carry it more than I thought I would, going up and down stairs at the places we stayed, metro stations, etc. I just wanted to say that I think it is better in theory than it is in reality. If you really need a tote bag, get one without the wheels.