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Small Tipping in Morocco?

I have read it is the custom to tip hotel room cleaning staff, taxis, waitstaff,etc small amounts of dirham (s) which I have no issues with but I am uncertain how one obtains small amounts since you must use ATMs which dispense large bills. It will take a while to accumulate any change.

So in the meantime, is it worthwhile/appropriate to leave coins of another currency? I was thinking Euros or possibly, but not really practical, dollars?

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4396 posts

Can you ask on a another forum because when we were just in Egypt and Jordan they accepted one dollar American bills as tips. We brought $200 worth and $100 in fives and tens.

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484 posts

I was in Morocco last month and was able to get my US dollars changed very easily at the banks there.
Bank of Africa is everywhere and all they need is your passport.
Giving tips in USD just means that the recipient now has to go to the bank and I am not sure if they change anything smaller than $5.00. In fact, out in the Sahara there were a lot of guides and camel herders walking around asking tourist to change the USD they had into dirhams.
The front desk at my hotels changed the larger notes into small ones for me. No problem once they had the cash available.

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346 posts

Thank you. Any other suggestions for our trip?

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1177 posts

Using US currency for tipping seems to me to be a bit disrespectful. A holdover from post WWII era. Go to an ATM and get local currency.

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8588 posts

I have traveled quite a bit in 3rd world countries and found that US dollars are always welcome. I remember going to Egypt the first time in 1983 and going to the Pyramids and wanting to pay the camel driver for a ride on a camel. When I came out with US currency and asked for change, he produced a roll of US currency and gave me the change I needed.

Many poor countries have currency that is controlled and/or being inflated severely. Dollars are appreciated. Found this especially true in Turkey, Argentina and Egypt.

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5499 posts

Avoid tipping with anything that isn't readily exchangeable which includes all foreign coins and small value banknotes such as 1 USD.

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2069 posts

In Turkey, we either bought items at a local supermarket or ask our hotel front desk for change from a larger lira denomination. Although our hotel took several kinds of currency, for hotel cleaners, always give in the local currency. Imagine you're a waiter in America and someone leaves you a two euro coin? You would have to go to the bank to exchange and the bank would take a percentage.

Please don't be the American that thinks all third world countries want US dollars.

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4657 posts

I am not American, so for me the decision is usually easy....I convert to their local currency. However, as said, some countries do like US dollars.
For employees, I would strive to use local currency. If it seems acceptable, 'businesses', even one man camel rides, may accept US$. If on a multi day tour, then the driver and guide may want US$.
A double check on TripAdvisor Morocco forum may get more local advice.