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Skype Use

My wife and I have set-up an account on Skype for use on our Netbook while we're in Europe. We are "newbies" to Skype and VoIP. Can anyone provide any "dos and "don'ts"? We've subscribed to the paid version of Skype to allow us to call non-Skype numbers. We'll be using this for voice-only contacts from one country to another in Europe as well as voice and video back to the US.

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813 posts

The reception for Skype can be sketchy. We've tried to skype to the states on our iphone, but the sound has been poor (in Austria, Germany, and France). Bad enough where you couldn't have a conversation. We've called right then as a regular phone call and the sound quality is good. It just depends on where you're at while you skype.

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38 posts

The only do that I can think of is to make sure that you can operate the features that you want to use before you leave. Make some test voice and video calls from home. One thing to be aware of is that in setting up a paid account Skype appears to default to checking yes to automatic credit purchase when your account is below $2. You need to determine how comfortable you are with this. If you opt for manual credit purchases ensure that Skype has not selected the auto option for you after each manual purchase - a persistent little feature.

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1022 posts

Using Skype in Europe is the same as using it in the States. All that's required is a good internet connection. If you're planning to use Skype on your netbook in a public place, such as a cafe with wifi, you should use a headset to keep the conversation private. You also won't have to talk as loud to be heard by the other party. We've found that when Skype doesn't work on our iPhone it indicates that the wifi signal at that location isn't strong enough to support it. We've seldom had a problem though.

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33473 posts

Make sure you have a good enough wifi signal and that the pipe is big enough for video. Check the little coloured icons about how good your netbook is with Skype. If it it at all marginal quit other programs. Remember background noise if using the built in mikes of your netbook. Don't call at peak internet usage periods.

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768 posts

This is good information and thanks for the posts; thanks especially for the heads-up on the head-set. I have a follow-up question. In setting up a paid account on Skype, do I have to get the 2-year subscription to get an on-line Skype phone number or can I get an on-line number with Skype Credit? I've been to the Skype Internet site, and haven't been able to find an answer to this question, and, oddly enough, can't find a way to actually "call" Skype to talk to a human.

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768 posts

Jon again. I've been trying to contact Skype for the past hour by phone, email and via their "support" line. . . all to no avail. I did, however, run across a bunch of posts where people were disgruntled (to put it mildly) that as paid subscribers they could not contact Skypewith issues such as erroneous charges on their credit cards. I'm now reconsidering the "paid" use of Skype, I may just use it in its free (limited) form, and use an old fashioned pre-paid card for telephone calls. Another instance where I have to chuckle when I hear an advertisement about the benefits of "a smarter planet".

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1525 posts

We put $10 on our Skype account a year ago via PayPal and still have $2.50 left. I would avoid giving them a CC# or sign up for any plan that automatically pulls money from any account to keep you going. Just take care of it yourself as needed. At $.02/min you have to do a lot of talking to burn through any real money. Skype can be great, but don't see it as an invitation to make chit-chat calls. I see it as more of an emergency or rare situation sort of thing, and I don't care a whit about video calling.

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9109 posts

If you're using Skype with a netbook, you don't need to buy an expensive headset. Netbooks have microphones and speakers built into them. If you want privacy, simple earphones will suffice. The microphones built into netbooks are sensitive enough that you can talk with a normal speaking voice to be heard. Don't bother with any kind subscription plan, instead choose the "pay as you go" option. Simply put $10 in your account (that's the minimum Skype allows), and at .03 cents a minute, that should last you for your entire trip and then some.

Posted by
1022 posts

Jon, I understand your frustration. I signed on to Skype and went through the process of setting up an online number to the point of activating the number. At no point was there any firm information as to cost or commitment. Perhaps that comes after the activation button is clicked, but that seems strange. Anyway I didn't want to risk a hassle if I activated and saw $$ drained from my account, so I signed off. Seems like Skype management needs to get this straightened out. The geniuses at Google have their sights set on Skype. Google Voice can't yet do everything Skype can, but I bet it will eventually. For basic calling, GV is a bit cheaper than Skype, but I don't believe it has video. About the headset question, it's true you don't absolutely have to have it. The microphone on my netbook works pretty well when I'm in a quiet room, though I've been told I sound like I'm in a well. I can't use the netbook outside on my patio, however, as the microphone picks up extraneous noises from the neighborhood as well as my voice which can make it harder to be understood on the other end. So I use the Skype app on our iPhone when I want to sit outside while making an overseas call or when we're in Europe. If you figure you'll do all your calling from quiet hotel rooms, you probably don't need it though the sound quality is better. Headsets aren't all that expensive; check Amazon if you decide to shop for one.