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Single dash works - double dashes get you the [INVALID] error

For those who like to use dashes: a single dash works - like this, but a double dash causes the [INVALID] error. Formatting text doesn't work. Now if we can get paragraphing back.

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3255 posts

Thanks Kent! Guess one dash is better than none-also looking forward to the return of paragraphs

Posted by
1976 posts

Amen about the paragraphs, Sharon and Kent - I thought it was a problem with my computer! As for single dashes - they are - my means of transitioning from one thought - to the next - so I've been able to avoid the mean [INVALID].

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873 posts

That's too bad - I'm a habitual double dash user. Now what really makes me wonder is why some people tend to use 2-5 commas in a row. Sticky keyboard?

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23418 posts

The strange use of commas, periods, etc. is result of the problems the site is experience with so codes. I view the multi commas as a sub for lots of dashes.

Posted by
463 posts

thank you! i'm a huge dash user, and have found my replies have been rather choppy without them. thanks so much for the tip!!!

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1717 posts

Hello Kent. Thank you. I thought the word (INVALID) inserted in a reply that I posted recently was put there because the website manager did not like my use of the word Gypsies.