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Sick during European travel

What suggestions are there for travelers in Europe who become ill. Question, where can you stay during recouperation? Will hotels or other accomodations allow you to stay while recouperating?

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16038 posts

You stay where you are...a hotel is not going to throw you out because you are sick. (As long as you're paying.) I've gotten sick on trips and I rest in my room until I feel better.

A hostel might treat you differently because you could infect everyone else. But if it's just a cold, no biggie.

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1806 posts

Hostels aren't going to kick you out either. Once I had a bad respiratory infection on a trip and even though I had already seen a doctor and gotten some medicine, I asked the hostel if they had any private rooms left because I just wanted to get some decent rest and was prepared to pay extra for it. They didn't have one, but the hostel owner gave me a 4 bunk room all to myself and she only charged me for 1 bunk.

Unless it is a life-threatening emergency, check first with your American health insurance carrier by calling their customer service number. They should be able to give you a referral and will then note in your file you were sick overseas which will help if you want to submit any out of pocket receipts for reimbursement later. Just because many European countries have a free healthcare system does not entitle an American to the same level of care for free. You still may have to pay for some services or medicine.

Depending on where you are, there may be a traveler's walk-in health clinic nearby that you can see for basic care.

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5678 posts

I got sick when I was in Scotland a few years ago. The tourist information center helped me out. They set me up with an appointment at a local clinic. I was booked into a B&B, but couldn't go there for another 5 hours. So, they suggested that the local small hotel would not mind if i sat in their lobby and that they would probably have tea for me as well. There was no charge for the doctor visit, but I had to buy a prescription. The B&B hostess absolutely charming and got me tea before bed and fixed a special breakfast for me. I think that for the most part you'd find that others would be equally kind to you should you become ill. Pam

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582 posts

This may be changing the topic some, but Rick Steves had an hernia operation one week before going to Europe! He chose to have the operation before his trip to avoid getting sick while traveling. His doctor said he would be fine traveling without having the operation, but Rick wanted to feel his best when in Europe. Well, here are Rick's words...

Flying from northwest Spain to Rome, my discount airline had a 10-kilo carry-on limit. I don't recall ever actually weighing my bag when packing...but it turns out it was exactly 10 kilos (22 pounds).

I had a special reason to pack light on this trip. A month ago I flew to Europe — a bit nervously — one week after a hernia operation. Ten kilos was about all I could hoist. My doctor said there was no hurry to get it fixed, but I love feeling healthy when traveling...I didn't want to travel feeling like bits of my guts were popping out like naughty chicks in an open basket. After a month on the treadmill of Iberia, I'm fit as a flamenco guitar.

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808 posts

If you travel enough, sooner or later you will become ill while abroad. I've spent many miserable pairings cooped up in many a hotel.

If I've got something contageous, I will as a courtesy, tell the Reception that I've been really sick and ask them not to have HSKPing clean my room. I also call and mention it prior to my departure so they can take extra precautions if they wish when cleaning my room. Last thing I need is to come back a week later and have Maria the HSKPer say I made her sick b/c she knew I was sick and didnt come out of my room for two days!