So here I am after many trips to Europe I now have a new experience. Sick. Not horrible, but enough to keep me in bed and needing to leave tomorrow morning for another spot. I am in Milan now, heading to Bologna for a few days then home.
I have stage four colon cancer, terminal. No known cure for what ails me. Two years of chemo so far. I have been here for two weeks and doing just fine, but now my digestive tract , is giving me some issues. At home it is short lived, a couple of hours or more, then a change and I feel better. Waiting for that to happen now.
I have been very happy with my stamina walking about ten miles a day with one day of fifteen.
F&$k cancer.
I am here with the blessing of my oncologist.
Just writing this to make myself feel okay. I am approaching as I would at home, wait it out. Of course if it acts differently I will take other measures.
Bless you all.